Linstor_db outdated deleting

Roland Kammerer roland.kammerer at
Mon Jul 22 11:48:02 CEST 2024

On Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 11:16:10AM +0200, Martin wrote:
> ┊ linstor_db    ┊ proxmoxn1 ┊ 7005 ┊        ┊
> Connecting(proxmoxn3,proxmoxn2) ┊ DELETING ┊ 2021-07-19 20:46:51 ┊
> ┊ linstor_db    ┊ proxmoxn2 ┊ 7005 ┊ Unused ┊
> Ok                              ┊ Outdated ┊ 2021-07-19 20:46:51 ┊

ah, what I overlooked is that it is in deleting. why is that, who
triggered that and when?

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