Linstor_db outdated deleting

Roland Kammerer roland.kammerer at
Mon Jul 22 11:45:53 CEST 2024

On Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 11:16:10AM +0200, Martin wrote:
> linstor 1.8.0

hahaha seriously?

> linstor_db role:Primary
>   disk:UpToDate
>   proxmoxn2 connection:Connecting
>   proxmoxn3 connection:Connecting

why are these in connecting? what do the other nodes think about the
resource? drbdsetup status on the other nodes. is the resource even up?
if not, why? is drbd-reactor configured and running? why didn't it bring
up the resource if it isn't up? in the worst case: you have it primary
on one node already, and the resource is tiny, just down it on the other
nodes and (re) create-md on these other nodes and bring it up again to
trigger a full sync.

Regards, rck

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