[DRBD-user] WinDRBD, how to enable resource up on boot

Johannes Thoma johannes at johannesthoma.com
Mon Nov 20 13:47:06 CET 2023


You can write a simple cmd script (drbdadm up / drbdadm primary)
and have it executed via task manager at system startup time.
(try cmd /c myscript.cmd)

Alternatively you can use LINSTOR For Windows which also
will start the resource on satellite startup (which is started
also on system startup). With LINSTOR you can also manage
mixed Linux/Windows environments, so if you plan to
have more than one resource one day it can be very helpful.

Best regards,

- Johannes

Am 19.11.23 um 14:46 schrieb Kirill Dmitriev:
> Tried to find anywhere else, not really proficient in Windows.
> I have two backing devices on linux servers, which works well with
> linux diskless clients. Now I'm trying to achieve the same with Win
> 2019 Server diskless. It works but I have to manually bring the
> resource up and make it primary after each reboot. Can't figure out
> how to stick it. Did I miss something?
> Here is the dumped config:
> resource win {
>      on combo {
>          node-id 1;
>          volume 1 {
>              device       minor 1;
>              disk         none;
>          }
>          address          ipv4;
>      }
>      on drbd-01 {
>          node-id 2;
>          volume 1 {
>              device       /dev/drbd1 minor 1;
>              disk         /dev/soft/win;
>              meta-disk    internal;
>          }
>          address          ipv4;
>      }
>      on drbd-02 {
>          node-id 3;
>          volume 1 {
>              device       /dev/drbd1 minor 1;
>              disk         /dev/soft/win;
>              meta-disk    internal;
>          }
>          address          ipv4;
>      }
>      connection-mesh {
>          hosts drbd-01 drbd-02 combo;
>      }
>      net {
>          protocol           C;
>      }
> }
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