[DRBD-user] WinDRBD performance/features

Johannes Thoma johannes at johannesthoma.com
Tue Feb 4 15:26:45 CET 2020


Just wanted to check if you could solve the performance
issues, and if yes how you solved them.

Kind Regards,

- Johannes

Am 29.01.20 um 15:05 schrieb Johannes Thoma:
> Hi Max,
> Thank you for testing WinDRBD.
> Am 29.01.20 um 06:02 schrieb Max Bergmann:
>> Hi drbd-users,
>> Recently, I've been testing windrbd, but I can't seem to achieve more than 100 Mbps (~12mb/s) throughout, even thought the network between my nodes is 1Gpbs or more, with a simple UNC share between hosts I get 100mb/s.
>> Drbd documentation mentions to adjusting c- parameters, but I still can't increase the performance.
> Did you check the DRBD user's guide
> (https://docs.linbit.com/docs/users-guide-9.0/#p-performance)?
> Since WinDRBD is DRBD internally, the strategies for performance
> tuning should be the same.
>> Surely I must be doing something wrong, here is my example config:
>>      protocol    C;
>>      net {
>>          use-rle no;
>>          max-buffers 8000;
>>          max-epoch-size 8000;
>>          sndbuf-size 0;
> I am not sure if autotuning the send buffer size is working as expected
> with WinDRBD. Please try to set a different value, 10MB is an example:
>     sndbuf-size 10485760;
>     rcvbuf-size 10485760;
> Also set the rcvbuf size.
> Also Robert Altnöder mentioned that experimenting with max-buffers helps in most
> cases.
>>      }
>>      disk {
>>          c-plan-ahead 5;
>>          c-max-rate 125M;
>>          c-min-rate 30M;
>>          c-fill-target 2M;
>>          al-extents 6007;
>>          no-disk-barrier;
>>          no-disk-flushes;
>>      }
>> Have you done any performance testing on WinDRBD?
> Since we work with VMs we did not do 'real' performance tests, however
> some users reported Windows performance numbers for the WinDRBD
> devices. They are similar to storage on the local disk.
> Another feature I'm missing is converting an existing NTFS volume with its data to be used by drbd?
> Yes you can do this.
> First do a backup of your data, in case something goes wrong.
> Configure external drbd meta data (for meta data you need a separate
> partition about 1/1000th the size of the data partition), and the
> volume as backing device.
> Then do a
>     drbdadm create-md <res>
> on that resource, then do a
>     drbdadm up <res>
> on the resource. Note that that step 'hides' the partition
> from Windows so it cannot access it directly (see
> windrbd hide-filesystem). You then can do a
>     drbdadm primary --force <res>
> in order to tell DRBD that the disk contains valid data.
> Please let me know if the above steps work for you (maybe I forgot
> something).
>> Checksum support is another feature that I couldn't get working on windows, any hints?
> Checksum support? You mean online-verify? Online verify is currently disabled,
> it would take a few days work to enable it (I don't think it is that hard,
> its just that no one requested that feature so far ...)
>> Kind regards,
>> Max
> Best regards,
> - Johannes
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