[DRBD-user] linstor-proxmox-2.9.0

Roberto Resoli roberto at resolutions.it
Tue Sep 4 16:10:38 CEST 2018

Il 01/09/2018 09:59, Roland Kammerer ha scritto:
> It is exactly the job of "systemctl edit" to*not*  mess with system
> files shiped by packages.  What it would do, is to create this file:
> /etc/systemd/system/linstor-satellite.service.d/override.conf
> And there you can, as the name says, override settings. It looks like
> some versions of systemd then required the section + a reset, as in:
> [Service]
> ExecStart=
> ExecStart=mynewsetting

This is exactly the case for linstor-satellite.service (I tried all 

> Probably I have to add that detail to the documentation, if it still
> applies to the version proxmox ships.

Probably, but I think we are anyway condemned to live with this sort of 
undocumented systemd behaviour.


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