[DRBD-user] recovering from "Local IO failed. Detaching..."

Lars Ellenberg lars.ellenberg at linbit.com
Wed Sep 16 14:20:20 CEST 2009

Note: "permalinks" may not be as permanent as we would like,
direct links of old sources may well be a few messages off.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 03:35:46PM +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> > please try current git, if you can.
> > http://git.drbd.org/?p=drbd-8.3.git;a=summary
> > there has been one regression in this area
> > somewhere between 8.3.2 and 8.3.3rc1,
> > which now is fixed again.
> >
> I would like but I'm behind a proxy.
> I tried some configurations for proxy, searching how to use git through a
> proxy, but I can  for example get git for wine, but not for drbd.
> Do you serve your git repository through http too?
> Attempting this:
> git clone http://git.drbd.org/drbd-8.3

git clone http://git.drbd.org/drbd-8.3.git

might work. a bit many git in there, I know,
but we are dealing with redundancy anyways, after all.

though the git:// protocol is faster and prefered.

in case said regression should be the reason for your trouble, of course
you could also go back to 8.3.2 (which does not contain that
regression), or wait for 8.3.3 final.

or, as I suggested earlier, add "no-disk-barrier; no-disk-flushes;
no-md-flushes;" to your disk {} section, which would be a valid
work-around for said regression.

: Lars Ellenberg
: LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
: DRBD/HA support and consulting http://www.linbit.com

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