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Hi all, I am new with DRBD, and i am trying to setup a DRBD / GFS data share on two xen nodes (aka primary/primary). The current versions are: - Nodes OS: Centos 5 (2.6.18-53.1.19.el5xen) - DRBD: 8.2.5 (coming from Centos Repository Packages) - GFS: 0.1.16- (coming from Centos Repository Packages) Actually, i am just trying to setup DRBD with fencing-only. Below is my config. However, every time i try to launch DRBD, i've got this error message: "Handler not known". As fencing-only mechanism rests on the outdate-peer handler command, and given that the outdate-peer command is defined in the common section, why do i got this error ? Thanks a lot for any response. I haven't find any kind of problems like this by googling, and i am unable to know why my outdate-peer command is not taking by DRBD. Phong global { usage-count yes; } common { syncer { rate 40M; verify-alg sha1; } handlers { outdate-peer /etc/cluster/; } startup { wfc-timeout 20; degr-wfc-timeout 10; become-primary-on both; } net { allow-two-primaries; #after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes; #after-sb-1pri discard-secondary; #after-sb-2pri disconnect; } } resource r0 { protocol C; on ***** { device /dev/drbd1; disk /dev/xvda4; address; meta-disk internal; } on **** { device /dev/drbd1; disk /dev/xvda4; address; meta-disk internal; } disk { fencing ressource-only; on-io-error detach; } }