AW: [DRBD-user] A simple test

Martin Bene martin.bene at
Wed Jun 13 16:51:19 CEST 2007

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Hi Ryan,

> Thank you for your input.  I am currently fixing up my FAI 
> configs such that they do not create an MD device out of 
> two of the unused partitions, as I don't see any need to 
> have the DRBD meta-disk striped or mirrored (unless someone 
> has any good reason pointing to the contrary, e.g. 
> significant performance gains).

The fact you're using drbd indicates that you're interested in improving
the reliablity of your system; while a failover to another system is
fairly fast it still represents downtime, breaks active network
connections and can cause transactions to be rolled back in a database.
Obviosuly, failover sould be avoided if possible, so it makes sense to
make the seperate nodes fault tolerant as well by using raid 1/5/6.

Now, _IF_ you're using a raid level that provides reliability for your
data, you'll want to have some other areas covered as well - even if
there's no valuable data stored there but just to allow your system to
keep running in case of a disk failure. Two such areas would be:
 - system swap
 - drbd metadata

Bye, Martin

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