[drbd-mc] debian-style config with dmc

Peter Beck peter at datentraeger.li
Thu Dec 30 01:44:42 CET 2010

Hi guys,

I am using Debian (Squeeze) and I've just downloaded DMC 0.8.6.
The DRBD config files on Debian are stored in /etc/drbd.d/
and the /etc/drbd.conf just links to this directory:

include "drbd.d/global_common.conf";
include "drbd.d/*.res";

DMC will replace this config with its own config including all
resources. Will this change to work with "debian-style" in future
releases ?

This is not a "real" problem (i think on most systems it's this way, but
not debian), I just want to know if I have to use this "style" of config
in future or if it will work with "debian-default" ;)

Other than that - I love this app, great work, makes live much easier
(for me as cluster-newbie)


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