[Csync2] Compilation trouble on FreeBSD

Clifford Wolf clifford at clifford.at
Thu May 17 00:21:44 CEST 2007


On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 03:57:42PM -0600, Aaron Dalton wrote:
> SQLite question: Do you support sqlite3?  I just noticed that the
> ./configure script only checks for libsqlite.so and the lib for SQLite 3
> is libsqlite3.so.  Should the FreeBSD port require SQLite2?

Csync2 does not support sqlite3. I'm using sqlite3 in some other projects,
but csync2 has been using sqlite already before there was an sqlite3 and I
never ported it.

I was once looking into porting csync2 but desided not to do that because
that would break backward compatibility with existing csync2 installations.

 - clifford

bash -c "gcc -o mysdldemo -Wall -O2 -lSDL -lm -pthread -x c <( echo -e '
#include <SDL/SDL.h>\n#include <complex.h>\nint main(){SDL_Surface*s;SDL_Event
e;int x,y,n;SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);s=SDL_SetVideoMode(640,480,32,0);for(x=0;
x<640;x++)for(y=0;y<480;y++){float _Complex z=0, c=((x-400)/200.0) + ((y-240)/
*640]=n<<3;n=99;}}}SDL_UpdateRect(s,0,0,s->w,s->h);do SDL_WaitEvent(&e); while
(e.type!=SDL_QUIT&&e.type!=SDL_KEYDOWN);SDL_Quit();return 0;}' ); ./mysdldemo"

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