linstor-controller 1.28.0 hangs after startup

Adam Goryachev mailinglists at
Sat Jul 13 03:11:18 CEST 2024

Hi all, hoping to get some ideas on how to investigate this issue 
further, including as many details as I can below...

I've been a bit lax, and had a few issues with my linstor cluster 
recently, one of which was I ended up with some mis-matched versions on 
one or two satellites (ie, 
linstor-client/python-linstor/linstor-satellite) although the 
linstor-satellite versions all matched and all nodes were online and 

Except, I also had an issue where I tried to resize (grow) one volume, 
and this was producing error reports on the satellite about the drbd res 
files not being valid, as well as the return code from a drbdadm command 
as 5 instead of what it should be (this seemed to be due to using a 
newer version of drbdadm compared to linstor-controller, although there 
was no actual error message, just a warning about timeout values was the 

So, I thought I should do the obvious, and upgrade everything to the 
latest versions, to make sure drbd-utils, drbd, linstor-controller, 
linstor-client, python-linstor etc all matched across all nodes. I 
started with the controller node, and it seemed to go smoothly, showing 
all nodes as offline/version mismatch when done. I proceeded with the 
first diskful satellite, and it came online, so I moved onto the next. 
When I checked linstor node list, the controller was not responding, so 
after some time, I restarted the controller service, and it all was 
working as expected (3 nodes online, and the rest offline/version mismatch).

However, after a short amount of time, the linstor controller just stops 
responding again, with basic commands like "linstor node list" timing 
out after 5 minutes.

At this point, I'm not seeing any new logs, or anything at all regarding 
linstor-controller. So I'm not really sure what the issue is, or why it 
seems to be stuck, so any advice is of course appreciated.

I'll include the output from journalctl which shows all the startup 
messages, but not sure what else I should include or where else to look. 
Also, I'm concerned about the status of some of the resources, since I 
can't really see what is happening with them, although using drbdadm 
status I'm seeing mostly what I expect, where all resources are showing 
2 nodes in-sync, except for the original resize one I mentioned above 
which is showing this:

The one diskfull satellite not yet upgraded (san6):

crossbow role:Secondary
   castle role:Secondary
   flail connection:Connecting
   san7 connection:Connecting
   xen1 role:Primary
     peer-disk:Diskless peer-client:yes

The controller:

crossbow role:Secondary
   flail connection:Connecting
   san5 role:Secondary
   san6 role:Secondary
   san7 connection:Connecting
   xen1 role:Primary
     peer-disk:Diskless peer-client:yes

I added san5 in an attempt to get at least a proper second copy of the 
data before attempting to upgrade san6 which is still offline due to 
version mismatch.

output from journalctl -u linstor-controller, including the shutdown 
logs in case that provides some hints on where it was hung:

Jul 13 10:06:01 castle systemd[1]: Stopping linstor-controller.service - 
LINSTOR Controller Service...
Jul 13 10:06:01 castle Controller[30333]: 10:06:01.567 [Thread-2] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Shutdown in progress
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: State 
'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30333 (java) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30345 (Main) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30346 (GC Thread#0) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30347 (G1 Main Marker) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30348 (G1 Conc#0) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30349 (G1 Refine#0) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30350 (G1 Service) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30351 (VM Thread) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30352 (Reference Handl) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30353 (Finalizer) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30354 (Signal Dispatch) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30355 (Service Thread) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30356 (Monitor Deflati) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30357 (C2 CompilerThre) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30358 (C1 CompilerThre) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30359 (Sweeper thread) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30360 (Notification Th) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30361 (VM Periodic Tas) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30362 (Common-Cleaner) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30363 (GC Thread#1) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30372 (G1 Refine#1) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30373 (MainWorkerPool-) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30374 (MainWorkerPool-) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30375 (TimerEventServi) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30378 (TaskScheduleSer) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30379 (SslConnector) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30380 (EbsStatusPoll) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30381 (HttpServer-0) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30382 (grizzly-nio-ker) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30383 (grizzly-nio-ker) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30384 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30385 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30386 (grizzly-http-se) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30387 (grizzly-http-se) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30388 (grizzly-http-se) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 30423 (parallel-3) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 48151 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 79597 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Killing 
process 79601 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Main 
process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Failed 
with result 'timeout'.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: Stopped linstor-controller.service - 
LINSTOR Controller Service.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: linstor-controller.service: Consumed 
4min 13.152s CPU time.
Jul 13 10:07:31 castle systemd[1]: Starting linstor-controller.service - 
LINSTOR Controller Service...
Jul 13 10:07:32 castle Controller[79818]: LINSTOR, Module Controller
Jul 13 10:07:32 castle Controller[79818]: Version: 1.28.0 
Jul 13 10:07:32 castle Controller[79818]: Build time: 
Jul 13 10:07:32 castle Controller[79818]: Java Version:       17
Jul 13 10:07:32 castle Controller[79818]: Java VM: Debian, Version 
Jul 13 10:07:32 castle Controller[79818]: Operating system: Linux, 
Version 6.1.0-22-amd64
Jul 13 10:07:32 castle Controller[79818]: Environment: amd64, 2 
processors, 1978 MiB memory reserved for allocations
Jul 13 10:07:32 castle Controller[79818]: System components 
initialization in progress
Jul 13 10:07:32 castle Controller[79818]: Loading configuration file 
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:32,952 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - This is logback-classic 
version 1.3.8
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:32,987 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource 
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:32,988 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Found resource 
[logback.xml] at [file:/usr/share/linstor-server/lib/conf/logback.xml]
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,248 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.AppenderModelHandler - Processing 
appender named [STDOUT]
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,248 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.AppenderModelHandler - About to 
instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender]
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,270 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.ImplicitModelHandler - Assuming 
default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for 
[encoder] property
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,303 |-WARN in 
ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.AppenderModelHandler - Appender 
named [FILE] not referenced. Skipping further processing.
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,304 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.model.processor.LoggerModelHandler - Setting 
level of logger [okhttp3] to OFF
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,304 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.model.processor.LoggerModelHandler - Setting 
level of logger [org.apache.http] to INFO
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,304 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.model.processor.LoggerModelHandler - Setting 
level of logger [cron] to INFO
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,304 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.model.processor.LoggerModelHandler - Setting 
level of logger [LINSTOR/Controller] to INFO
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,304 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.model.processor.LoggerModelHandler - Setting 
additivity of logger [LINSTOR/Controller] to false
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,304 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.AppenderRefModelHandler - Attaching 
appender named [STDOUT] to Logger[LINSTOR/Controller]
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,305 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.model.processor.LoggerModelHandler - Setting 
level of logger [LINSTOR/Satellite] to INFO
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,305 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.model.processor.LoggerModelHandler - Setting 
additivity of logger [LINSTOR/Satellite] to false
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,305 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.AppenderRefModelHandler - Attaching 
appender named [STDOUT] to Logger[LINSTOR/Satellite]
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,306 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.model.processor.LoggerModelHandler - Setting 
level of logger [LINSTOR/TESTS] to OFF
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,306 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.model.processor.LoggerModelHandler - Setting 
additivity of logger [LINSTOR/TESTS] to false
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,306 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.AppenderRefModelHandler - Attaching 
appender named [STDOUT] to Logger[LINSTOR/TESTS]
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,306 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.model.processor.RootLoggerModelHandler - Setting 
level of ROOT logger to INFO
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,306 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.AppenderRefModelHandler - Attaching 
appender named [STDOUT] to Logger[ROOT]
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,307 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.DefaultProcessor at 5d7148e2 - End of 
Jul 13 10:07:33 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:33,308 |-INFO in 
ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator at 25fb8912 - Registering 
current configuration as safe fallback point
Jul 13 10:07:34 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:34.169 [main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - ErrorReporter DB version 1 found.
Jul 13 10:07:34 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:34.173 [main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Log directory set to: 
Jul 13 10:07:34 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:34.229 [main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Database type is SQL
Jul 13 10:07:34 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:34.231 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Loading API classes started.
Jul 13 10:07:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:35.478 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - API classes loading finished: 1246ms
Jul 13 10:07:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:35.479 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Dependency injection started.
Jul 13 10:07:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:35.536 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Attempting dynamic load of extension 
module "com.linbit.linstor.modularcrypto.FipsCryptoModule"
Jul 13 10:07:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:35.537 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Extension module 
"com.linbit.linstor.modularcrypto.FipsCryptoModule" is not installed
Jul 13 10:07:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:35.537 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Attempting dynamic load of extension 
module "com.linbit.linstor.modularcrypto.JclCryptoModule"
Jul 13 10:07:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:35.562 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Dynamic load of extension module 
"com.linbit.linstor.modularcrypto.JclCryptoModule" was successful
Jul 13 10:07:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:35.563 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Attempting dynamic load of extension 
module "com.linbit.linstor.spacetracking.ControllerSpaceTrackingModule"
Jul 13 10:07:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:35.563 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Extension module 
"com.linbit.linstor.spacetracking.ControllerSpaceTrackingModule" is not 
Jul 13 10:07:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:35.563 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Attempting dynamic load of extension 
module "com.linbit.linstor.spacetracking.DefaultSpaceTrackingModule"
Jul 13 10:07:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:35.564 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Dynamic load of extension module 
"com.linbit.linstor.spacetracking.DefaultSpaceTrackingModule" was successful
Jul 13 10:07:37 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:37.772 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Dependency injection finished: 2293ms
Jul 13 10:07:37 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:37.774 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Cryptography provider: Using default 
cryptography module
Jul 13 10:07:38 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:38.414 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Initializing authentication subsystem
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.051 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Starting service instance 
'TimerEventService' of type TimerEventService
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.053 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Initializing the database connection pool
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.054 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - SQL database connection URL is 
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.337 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - SQL database is H2
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.512 [Main] INFO  
org.flywaydb.core.internal.license.VersionPrinter - Flyway Community 
Edition 7.15.0 by Redgate
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.513 [Main] INFO  
org.flywaydb.core.internal.database.base.BaseDatabaseType - Database: 
jdbc:h2:/var/lib/linstor/linstordb (H2 1.4)
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.697 [Main] INFO  
org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbValidate - Successfully validated 
78 migrations (execution time 00:00.141s)
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.826 [Main] INFO  
org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate - Current version of schema 
"LINSTOR": 2024.
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.828 [Main] WARN  
org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate - outOfOrder mode is 
active. Migration of schema "LINSTOR" may not be reproducible.
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.864 [Main] INFO  
org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate - Schema "LINSTOR" is up to 
date. No migration necessary.
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.872 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Starting service instance 
'DatabaseService' of type DatabaseService
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.877 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Security objects load from database is in 
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.952 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Security objects load from database completed
Jul 13 10:07:39 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:39.954 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Core objects load from database is in progress
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.597 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Core objects load from database completed
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.609 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Starting service instance 
'TaskScheduleService' of type TaskScheduleService
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.615 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Initializing network communications services
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.616 [Main] WARN  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - The SSL network communication service 
'DebugSslConnector' could not be started because the keyStore file 
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.629 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Created network communication service 
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.629 [Main] WARN  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - The SSL network communication service 
'SslConnector' could not be started because the keyStore file 
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.629 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Created network communication service 
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.630 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Reconnecting to previously known nodes
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.635 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'castle' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.662 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'docker1' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.664 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'flail' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.666 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-01' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.668 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-02' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.670 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-03' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.671 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-04' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.673 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-05' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.675 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-06' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.677 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-07' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.679 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-08' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.681 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-09' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.683 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-10' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.685 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-11' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.687 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'pi-12' 
via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.689 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'san5' via 
/ ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.692 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'san6' via 
/ ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.694 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'san7' via 
/ ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.697 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing connection to node 'xen1' via 
/ ...
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.703 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Reconnect requests sent
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.706 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Starting service instance 
'ScheduleBackupService' of type ScheduleBackupService
Jul 13 10:07:40 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:40.708 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Starting service instance 'EbsStatusPoll' 
of type EbsStatusPoll
Jul 13 10:07:41 castle Controller[79818]: July 13, 2024 10:07:41 AM 
org.glassfish.jersey.server.wadl.WadlFeature configure
Jul 13 10:07:41 castle Controller[79818]: WARNING: JAX-B API not found . 
WADL feature is disabled.
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: July 13, 2024 10:07:42 AM 
org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.NetworkListener start
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: INFO: Started listener bound 
to [[::]:3370]
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: July 13, 2024 10:07:42 AM 
org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer start
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: INFO: [HttpServer] Started.
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.588 [Main] INFO  
LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Controller initialized
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.593 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle systemd[1]: Started linstor-controller.service - 
LINSTOR Controller Service.
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.674 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'xen1' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.679 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-08' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.688 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-10' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.694 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'san5' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.703 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-06' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.705 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.708 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'docker1' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.714 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-01' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.722 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-12' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.730 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'flail' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.733 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.737 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-04' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.741 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-05' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.743 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.747 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'san7' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.748 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.754 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-09' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.761 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-02' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.766 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-07' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.769 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - LogArchive: 
Running log archive on directory: /var/log/linstor-controller
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.774 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - LogArchive: No 
logs to archive.
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.776 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.779 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.795 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.800 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - 
BalanceResourcesTask/END: Adjusted: 0 - Removed: 0
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.824 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.841 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.843 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.845 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.847 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.851 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.853 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.868 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.870 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.873 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.877 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:42 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:42.895 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.043 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'san6' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.043 
[MainWorkerPool-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'san6' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.049 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'flail' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.049 
[MainWorkerPool-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'flail' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.060 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-11' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.061 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-11' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.066 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-10' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.066 
[MainWorkerPool-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-10' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.084 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-08' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.085 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-08' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.094 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-07' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.095 
[MainWorkerPool-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-07' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.098 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-06' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.099 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-06' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.108 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-12' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.109 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-12' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.114 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-05' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.114 
[MainWorkerPool-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-05' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.127 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-09' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.128 
[MainWorkerPool-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-09' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.136 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-01' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.137 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-01' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.144 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-02' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.145 
[MainWorkerPool-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-02' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.152 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'xen1' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.153 
[MainWorkerPool-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'xen1' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.241 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-04' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.242 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-04' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.491 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'san7' from OFFLINE -> CONNECTED
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.494 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'san7' 
Jul 13 10:07:43 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:43.512 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending full sync 
to Node: 'san7'.
Jul 13 10:07:44 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:44.020 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'san5' from OFFLINE -> CONNECTED
Jul 13 10:07:44 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:44.021 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'san5' 
Jul 13 10:07:44 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:44.022 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending full sync 
to Node: 'san5'.
Jul 13 10:07:44 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:44.059 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'docker1' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:44 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:44.059 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 
'docker1' version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:44 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:44.069 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'castle' from OFFLINE -> CONNECTED
Jul 13 10:07:44 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:44.071 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 
'castle' authenticated
Jul 13 10:07:44 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:44.071 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending full sync 
to Node: 'castle'.
Jul 13 10:07:46 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:46.828 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'san7' from CONNECTED -> ONLINE
Jul 13 10:07:47 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:47.169 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'san5' from CONNECTED -> ONLINE
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.633 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-01' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.636 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-05' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.638 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.644 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'flail' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.645 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.649 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-02' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.650 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.654 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-08' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.655 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.658 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'xen1' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.664 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.667 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'san6' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.669 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.673 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-07' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.674 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.677 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-12' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.678 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.683 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'docker1' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.684 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.687 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-06' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.688 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.690 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-11' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.692 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.695 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-04' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.697 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.705 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-10' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.712 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.720 
[TaskScheduleService] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Establishing 
connection to node 'pi-09' via / ...
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.723 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.724 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'san6' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.724 
[MainWorkerPool-1] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'san6' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.733 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'xen1' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.733 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'xen1' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.737 [SslConnector] 
INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Sending authentication to satellite 
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.744 
[MainWorkerPool-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'castle' from CONNECTED -> ONLINE
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.749 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'flail' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.749 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'flail' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.815 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-01' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.816 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-01' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.820 
[MainWorkerPool-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Changing 
connection state of node 'pi-05' from OFFLINE -> VERSION_MISMATCH
Jul 13 10:07:50 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:50.820 
[MainWorkerPool-2] ERROR LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - Satellite 'pi-05' 
version mismatch(v1.19.1).
Jul 13 10:07:51 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:51.097 
[grizzly-http-server-0] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - REST/API 
RestClient(; 'linstor-csi/v0.20.0-1-g4ee8dce')/LstRscDfn
Jul 13 10:07:51 castle Controller[79818]: 10:07:51.233 
[grizzly-http-server-1] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - REST/API 
RestClient(; 'linstor-csi/v0.20.0-1-g4ee8dce')/LstRsc
Jul 13 10:08:10 castle Controller[79818]: 10:08:10.695 
[grizzly-http-server-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - REST/API 
RestClient(; 'linstor-csi/v0.20.0-1-g4ee8dce')/LstRscDfn
Jul 13 10:08:10 castle Controller[79818]: 10:08:10.730 
[grizzly-http-server-3] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - REST/API 
RestClient(; 'linstor-csi/v0.20.0-1-g4ee8dce')/LstRscDfn
Jul 13 10:08:34 castle Controller[79818]: 10:08:34.179 
[grizzly-http-server-3] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - REST/API 
RestClient(; 'PythonLinstor/1.23.0 (API1.0.4): Client 
Jul 13 10:08:35 castle Controller[79818]: 10:08:35.896 
[grizzly-http-server-0] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - REST/API 
RestClient(; 'PythonLinstor/1.23.0 (API1.0.4): Client 
Jul 13 10:09:12 castle Controller[79818]: 10:09:12.577 
[grizzly-http-server-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - REST/API 
RestClient(; 'linstor-csi/v0.20.0-1-g4ee8dce')/LstRscDfn
Jul 13 10:09:12 castle Controller[79818]: 10:09:12.610 
[grizzly-http-server-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - REST/API 
RestClient(; 'linstor-csi/v0.20.0-1-g4ee8dce')/LstRscDfn
Jul 13 10:09:23 castle Controller[79818]: 10:09:23.345 
[grizzly-http-server-2] INFO  LINSTOR/Controller - SYSTEM - REST/API 
RestClient(; 'linstor-csi/v0.20.0-1-g4ee8dce')/LstVlm

Nothing after this, though current time is now 11:03, so stuck for 
almost an hour.

PS, node pi-03 is expected to be offline/down, long story, but 
effectively, that node doesn't exist, pending hardware replacement.

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