linstor-server 1.27.0 release

Rene Peinthor rene.peinthor at
Tue Apr 2 13:01:34 CEST 2024


This new minor release introduces the ability to specify your own
for encryption volumes and also modify them.
Other additions are a force-restore option for backup shipping and finally
INFO logging for Linstor.
But the release is still more bug fixing related than introducing new

## [1.27.0] - 2024-04-02

### Added

- Allow users to provide their own encryption passphrase for volumes
- Allow users to provide their own encryption passphrase after cloning
- Allow users to change the passphrase for a luks volume definition
- Backup ship, restore and scheduled backups now have a --force-restore
- Added more info logging
- Added "DrbdOptions/ExactSize" for migration purposes

### Changed

- Default configuration directory for linstor-database utility (export-db
and import-db) is now "/etc/linstor"
- Make-available will no longer return an error if an involved node is
offline (warn instead)

### Fixed

- rscDfn-props are no longer reset through --download-only backup restore
or if it has rscs deployed
- Fixed snapshot-rollback more than once on a resource
- Fixed re-/ordering issues within the AutoSnapshotTask
- Fixed backup restore not working if one of the backup-parts already
existed on the cluster
- Fixed K8s migrations to use correct generated DB table instances
- Deleted invalid SpaceHistory entries from K8s.
- Fixed left-over tiebreaker after evacuation of single DRBD resource
- Fixed negative result of an allocation granularity calculation
- Fixed infinite loop and limited range of power-of-2 calculations
- Workaround for connections where the attached peer object is missing
- Only show warnings of missing cgroup (v1) if the user actually tries to
use it
- Fixed undelete resources (also remove volume DELETE and DRBD_DELETE flags)

Linstor PPA:

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