[DRBD-user] DRBD config settings for mesh configuration errors

Gianni Milo gianni.milo22 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 10:41:55 CEST 2020

Looks like you are confusing the DRBD userland utilities with the kernel
module version. Those two are using different version schemes, so 'drbdadm
--version' should show you exactly which is the version of each component.
The config must adapt on the kernel module version and _not_ on drbd-utils

Since you are using DRBD8 (kernel module) then you should have a look at
the following section of its documentation for creating a 3 node setup..


The config you are using now is for DRBD9, hence it won't work in your case
(unless you install the DRBD9 kernel module).


On Sat, 8 Aug 2020 at 08:07, K. de Jong <kees.dejong+lst at neobits.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> I use (probably) DRBD 9.5.0, where stacked-on-top-of is deprecated, so
> based on this example I applied the mesh configuration:
> https://www.linbit.com/drbd-user-guide/drbd-guide-9_0-en/#s-drbdconf-conns
> I created the following config:
> resource boinc {
>         device /dev/drbd1;
>         disk /dev/mapper/drbd-boinc;
>         meta-disk internal;
>         on rp1 {
>                 address ipv4;
>                 node-id 1;
>         }
>         on rp2 {
>                 address ipv4;
>                 node-id 2;
>         }
>         on rp3 {
>                 address ipv4;
>                 node-id 3;
>         }
>         connection-mesh {
>                 hosts rp1 rp2 rp3;
>                 net { protocol C; }
>         }
>         net {
>                 allow-two-primaries no;
>                 shared-secret "password";
>                 verify-alg sha256;
>                 cram-hmac-alg sha256;
>                 after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
>                 after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
>                 after-sb-2pri disconnect;
>                 rr-conflict disconnect;
>         }
>         handlers {
>                 split-brain "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-split-brain.sh root";
>                 out-of-sync "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-out-of-sync.sh root";
>         }
> }
> But when I run `drbdadm create-md boinc`, I get the following error:
> drbd.d/boinc.res:9: Parse error: 'disk | device | address | meta-disk |
> flexible-meta-disk' expected,
>         but got 'node-id'
> The exact version I "use":
> DRBDADM_BUILDTAG=GIT-hash:\ ee126652638328b55dc6bff47d07d6161ab768db\
> reproducible\ build\,\ 2018-07-16\ 17:52:47
> I have been turning certain features on or off. If I remove the node-
> id
> lines, the error changes to:
> drbd.d/boinc.res:18: Parse error: 'protocol | on | disk | net | syncer
> | startup | handlers | ignore-on | stacked-on-top-of' expected,
>         but got 'connection-mesh' (TK 282)
> It's almost as if I don't use 9.5.0, but some older version since these
> newer features are not recognized. I use Raspbian 10 (Debian Buster).
> According to this, the version is really 9.5.0:
> https://packages.debian.org/source/stable/drbd-utils
> This corresponds with `apt show drbd-utils`. I also checked in a VM
> with a true Debian 10 installation (so, not Raspbian), the same package
> is available there.
> The strings command is also showing 9.5.0:
> # strings /sbin/drbdadm | grep 9.5
> Version: 9.5.0 (api:%d)
> 9.5.0
> User-Agent: drbdadm/9.5.0 (%s; %s; %s; %s)
> So I can pretty sure conclude that I really use 9.5.0, right? But these
> options are not recognized. However, when I then also remove the mesh-
> connection configuration line, I see the following when I try any
> drbdadm command:
> /etc/drbd.d/boinc.res:2: in resource boinc:
>         There are multiple host sections for the peer node.
>         Use the --peer option to select which peer section to use.
> boinc: Invalid argument
> Command 'drbdsetup-84 new-resource boinc' terminated with exit code 20
> drbdadm: new-minor boinc: skipped due to earlier error
> There we can see the command `drbdsetup-84`, this makes absolutely no
> sense. I think it's a Debian thing.
> However, when I check the following, I also see that I "have" 9.5.0:
> # strings /lib/drbd/drbdadm-84 | grep -i version
> Version: 9.5.0 (api:%d)
> When I check the following I also see a warning that mixing major
> versions will not work. Did Debian mess up DRBD in Buster? Or is this
> normal and can I somehow use 9.5.0 features?
> # /lib/drbd/drbdadm-84 --version
> DRBD module version: 8.4.10
>    userland version: 9.5.0
> mixing different major numbers will not work!
> DRBDADM_BUILDTAG=GIT-hash:\ ee126652638328b55dc6bff47d07d6161ab768db\
> reproducible\ build\,\ 2018-07-16\ 17:52:47
> The DRBD kernel module has version 8.4.11. I checked on my RHEL8 VM,
> Debian 10 VM and Fedora workstation. There I see similar mix ups of
> these versions. So I guess, it's not that strange. But then I come back
> to my initial question, why doesn't my config work?
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