No subject

Mon Dec 9 19:55:22 CET 2019

# modinfo drbd
filename:       /lib/modules/3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7.x86_64/weak-updates/drbd9=
alias:          block-major-147-*
license:        GPL
version:        9.0.20-1

Config is all default, ressource is like this:

resource xxx {
  device /dev/drbd0;
  disk /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Amazon_Elastic_Block_Store_volxxx;
  meta-disk internal;
  on node-1 {
  on node-2 {

When trying to bring up the ressource, I get this error message:

# drbdadm up xxx
0: Failure: (119) No valid meta-data signature found.
        =3D=3D> Use 'drbdadm create-md res' to initialize meta-data area. <=
Command 'drbdsetup attach 0 /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Amazon_Elastic_Block_Store=
_volxxx /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Amazon_Elastic_Block_Store_volxxx internal' te=
rminated with exit code 10

=3D=3D=3D> When doing as advised, I wonder about the following message:

# drbdadm create-md xxx
You want me to create a v09 style flexible-size internal meta data block.
There appears to be a v09 flexible-size internal meta data block
already in place on /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Amazon_Elastic_Block_Store_volxxx =
byte offset 64424505344

=3D=3D=3D> So it is saying there _is_ metadata already present. So why is i=
t not valid? Is this expected behavior when cloning a drbd physical disk to=
 another host? Is it safe to create new metadata in this case?

Do you really want to overwrite the existing meta-data?
[need to type 'yes' to confirm] yes

md_offset 64424505344
al_offset 64424472576
bm_offset 64422506496

Found ext3 filesystem
    62912604 kB data area apparently used
    62912604 kB left usable by current configuration

Even though it looks like this would place the new meta data into
unused space, you still need to confirm, as this is only a guess.

Do you want to proceed?
[need to type 'yes' to confirm] yes

initializing activity log
initializing bitmap (1920 KB) to all zero
Writing meta data...
New drbd meta data block successfully created.

Thanks much & regards

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