[DRBD-user] Updating Kernel w/out Updating DRBD

Eric Robinson eric.robinson at psmnv.com
Fri Jun 22 16:16:28 CEST 2018

Wow, Veit, thanks so much for taking time to provide those details!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Veit Wahlich [mailto:cru.lists at zodia.de]
> Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 3:54 AM
> To: Eric Robinson <eric.robinson at psmnv.com>
> Cc: drbd-user at lists.linbit.com
> Subject: RE: [DRBD-user] Updating Kernel w/out Updating DRBD
> Well, I assume you are on el7 here. Adapt to other distros if required.
> 1. Install dkms, for el7 it is available in EPEL:
> # yum install dkms
> 2. Untar the drbd tarball in /usr/src/, for drbd 8.4.11-1, you should now have a
> directory /usr/src/drbd-8.4.11-1/.
> 3. Create a file /usr/src/drbd-8.4.11-1/dkms.conf with this content:
> PACKAGE_VERSION="8.4.11-1"
> MAKE="make -C drbd KDIR=/lib/modules/${kernelver}/build"
> DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]=/kernel/drivers/block
> CLEAN="make -C drbd clean"
> 4. Register drbd with dkms, so dkms knows about it:
> # dkms add -m drbd -v 8.4.11-1
> 5. Build the module of the desired version for the current kernel:
> # dkms build -m drbd -v 8.4.11-1
> 6. Install the module of the desired version to the kernel's module
> tree:
> # dkms install -m drbd -v 8.4.11-1
> You should now be able to use drbd.
> dkms installs a hook that will automatically rebuild the module once you install
> a new kernel{,-devel} package.
> On rpm-based distros (maybe also others, I have not tested) and depending on
> configuration, dkms also builds rpms for the new kmods, so all files dkms writes
> are being registered with the package management.
> If you want to remove a dkms installed module, you may simply use:
> # dkms remove -m drbd -v 8.4.11-1 --all
> --all removes the module from all kernel module trees.
> Starting with drbd 9.0, the source tarball also includes an almost ready to use
> dkms.conf file in the debian/ subdir. It is not specific to Debian. May may want
> to copy it to .. and edit the module version number.
> Please note that drbd 9.0 has 2 kernel module files (dkms.ko and
> drbd_transport_tcp.ko) and the module source changed to src/drbd/, so with
> drbd 9.0 use the the dkms.conf file provided with the tarball instead of my
> example dkms.conf above.
> Best regards,
> // Veit
> Am Freitag, den 22.06.2018, 08:43 +0000 schrieb Eric Robinson:
> > I'm familiar with the --with-km switch when building drbd, but I don't see
> anything in the documentation that allows building an akmod or dkms version
> instead. How would I do that?
> >
> > Also, I find it odd that the option to build from source is only in
> > the DRBD 8.3 User Guide and was left out of the 8.4 and 9.X User
> > Guides. (I'm sure the reason is obvious to everyone else I just missed
> > something.)
> >
> > --Eric

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