[DRBD-user] Proxmox VE 4.x DRBD 9 plugin - how is it supposed to work?

Sean M. Pappalardo spappalardo at renegadetech.com
Tue Feb 28 17:44:46 CET 2017

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On 02/28/2017 12:44 AM, Roland Kammerer wrote:
>> The doc also implies that it will handle live-migration as
>> well, even though dual-primary is not yet supported. Is this true?
> Yes it uses dual-primary, only during the migration. From what we saw it
> works reasonably well in these scenarios.

Oh one other question: At what level does this happen? Per VG or per LV?
Put another way, does drbdmanage create a separate resource per LV? Or
does that depend on the storage plugin chosen? (I understand each VM
disk image gets its own LV.)

Sean M. Pappalardo

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