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Hi, > Once the host is live again, i will report if that did the trick :-) As promised, here comes the follow-up. Unfortunately 8.3.12 does not do the trick. The described behaviour with the load rising after using dd is still present. But i had the chance to test the I/O-Performance while the whole environment (9 Servers having the drbd-device mounted via nfs) was under very little use. Doing the dd's at 5am in the morning showed almost no problems with I/O-Performance. I was even able to write 400MB to the drbd-device without any problems regarding io-wait. Doing the same dd at 9am made the load go up to around 15. I can conclude, that since the behaviour is the same wth 8.3.8-1 and 8.3.12, this is most likely not a drbd-bug. Having no problems under low usage in contrast to having problems under heavier usage shows, that the problem is the underlying I/O-Subsystem not being able handle the amount of I/O-Requests generated by the whole environment. Im not sure where to go from here. If we find a solution, i'll let you know... :-) - volker