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-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, I have a two-node cluster here. My primary now rebooted and lost his disk (intended, no need to worry). Now the primary was in state "diskless", but still primary and seconday was UptoDate. I wanted to make the secondary now the new primary with "drbdadm primary drbd0" but it refused to do so because the primary was still reachable by ping and network as well drbd service was running. I had to shut down the primary so network connection was lost and then I was able to set this node to primary. Can someone explain why this is the case? I mean if the primary is in "diskless" state why does he refuse to hand over the primary state? Greetings Christian -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - iEYEARECAAYFAk5+wrEACgkQ0XNIYlAXmzuJEwCghCyakaK32Pj3u0y42TkZPiWf f34AoKsq1zyhpoTXu77BcKep6/PXDTW4 =84vO -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----