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> Anyone currently using DRBD with Lustre to sale across more then 2 boxes? I am experimenting with Lustre and DRBD, but I haven't quite nailed down the recipe yet. I'm curious what others are doing to layer them together. Assuming CentOS5 or looks like there are two primary options: 1) Install the Lustre kernel from RPM and build DRBD as a kernel module against Lustre's kernel sources (kernel-lustre-source-2.6.18-92.1.10.el5_lustre.1.6.6.x86_64.rpm). 2) Patch Lustre and DRBD into your own kernel. Any advice? Christopher Grello INetU Managed Hosting Phone: (610) 266-7441 Toll-Free: (888) 664-6388 Fax: (610) 266-7434