[DRBD-user] DRBD (write) Performance on Intel e1000

Igor Neves igor at 3gnt.net
Wed Dec 17 15:56:14 CET 2008

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I just want to say that, we were deploying our servers with 3ware's
until some time ago. 3ware's are VERY slow at least on linux.

I don't know if your problem it's the 3ware, but 3ware performance it's
very very bad, you should use areca cards like we do.

You should use iozone or something to hard test your fs before going to
drbd, with 3ware controllers you will notice that with high I/O the OS
will be so slow, i don't know why but i think as something to do with
the 3ware hardware and the Linux drivers, even with the latest bios and
with latest drivers.

All tests we have done were in centos 5, and I will also take this to
tell you that 9650 it's a lot better the other ones behind, but even
9650 it's nothing compared with areca cards. The difference it's from 1
(3ware) to 20 (areca).

And by the way, we have similar setups like the one you have, with no
problems at all, even with 3ware cards, but this ones are much slower
then the ones with areca.

Use iperf to test your network bandwith, check write cache on the
controller. Good luck.

Rudolph Bott wrote:
> ----- "Lars Ellenberg" <lars.ellenberg at linbit.com> schrieb:
>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 08:23:39PM +0000, Rudolph Bott wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> I was wondering if anyone might be able to share some performance
>>> information about his/her DRBD setup. Ours comes along with the
>>> following Hardware:
>>> Hardware: Xeon QuadCore CPU, 2GB RAM, Intel Mainboard with 2
>> Onboard
>>> e1000 NICs and one additional plugged into a regular PCI slot,
>> 3ware
>>> 9650SE (PCI-Express) with 4 S-ATA Disks in a RAID-10 array
>>> Software: Ubuntu Hardy LTS with DRBD 8.0.11 (from the ubuntu
>> repository), Kernel 2.6.24
>>> one NIC acts as "management interface", one as the DRBD Link, one
>> as
>>> the heartbeat interface. On top of DRBD runs LVM to allow the
>> creation
>>> of volumes (which are in turn exported via iSCSI). Everything seems
>> to
>>> run smoothly - but I'm not quite satisfied with the write speed
>>> available on the DRBD device (locally, I don't care about the iSCSI
>>> part yet).
>>> All tests were done with dd (either copying from /dev/zero or to
>>> /dev/null with 1, 2 or 4GB sized files). Reading gives me speeds at
>>> around 390MB/sec which is way more than enough - but writing does
>> not
>>> exceed 39MB/sec. Direct writes to the raid controller (without
>> DRBD)
>>> are at around 95MB/sec which is still below the limit of
>> Gig-Ethernet.
>>> I spent the whole day tweaking various aspects (Block-Device
>> tuning,
>>> TCP-offload-settings, DRBD net-settings etc.) and managed to raise
>> the
>>> write speed from initially 25MB/sec to 39MB/sec that way.
>>> Any suggestions what happens to the missing ~60-50MB/sec that the
>>> 3ware controller is able to handle? Do you think the PCI bus is
>>> "overtasked"? Would it be enough to simply replace the onboard NICs
>>> with an additional PCI-Express Card or do you think the limit is
>>> elsewhere? (DRBD settings, Options set in the default Distro Kernel
>>> etc.). 
>> drbdadm dump all
> common {
>     syncer {
>         rate             100M;
>     }
> }
> resource storage {
>     protocol               C;
>     on nas03 {
>         device           /dev/drbd0;
>         disk             /dev/sda3;
>         address;
>         meta-disk        internal;
>     }
>     on nas04 {
>         device           /dev/drbd0;
>         disk             /dev/sda3;
>         address;
>         meta-disk        internal;
>     }
>     net {
>         unplug-watermark 1024;
>         after-sb-0pri    disconnect;
>         after-sb-1pri    disconnect;
>         after-sb-2pri    disconnect;
>         rr-conflict      disconnect;
>     }
>     disk {
>         on-io-error      detach;
>     }
>     syncer {
>         rate             100M;
>         al-extents       257;
>     }
>     startup {
>         wfc-timeout       20;
>         degr-wfc-timeout 120;
>     }
>     handlers {
>         pri-on-incon-degr "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
>         pri-lost-after-sb "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
>         local-io-error   "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
>     }
> }
>> drbdsetup /dev/drbd0 show
> disk {
>         size                    0s _is_default; # bytes
>         on-io-error             detach;
>         fencing                 dont-care _is_default;
> }
> net {
>         timeout                 60 _is_default; # 1/10 seconds
>         max-epoch-size          2048 _is_default;
>         max-buffers             2048 _is_default;
>         unplug-watermark        1024;
>         connect-int             10 _is_default; # seconds
>         ping-int                10 _is_default; # seconds
>         sndbuf-size             131070 _is_default; # bytes
>         ko-count                0 _is_default;
>         after-sb-0pri           disconnect _is_default;
>         after-sb-1pri           disconnect _is_default;
>         after-sb-2pri           disconnect _is_default;
>         rr-conflict             disconnect _is_default;
>         ping-timeout            5 _is_default; # 1/10 seconds
> }
> syncer {
>         rate                    102400k; # bytes/second
>         after                   -1 _is_default;
>         al-extents              257;
> }
> protocol C;
> _this_host {
>         device                  "/dev/drbd0";
>         disk                    "/dev/sda3";
>         meta-disk               internal;
>         address       ;
> }
> _remote_host {
>         address       ;
> }
>> what exactly does your micro benchmark look like?
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/testfile bs=1M count=2048
> dd if=/mnt/testfile of=/dev/null
>> how do "StandAlone" and "Connected" drbd compare?
> Standalone:
> root at nas03:/mnt# dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/testfile bs=1M count=2048
> 2048+0 records in
> 2048+0 records out
> 2147483648 bytes (2,1 GB) copied, 54,1473 s, 39,7 MB/s
> Connected:
> root at nas03:/mnt# dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/testfile bs=1M count=2048
> 2048+0 records in
> 2048+0 records out
> 2147483648 bytes (2,1 GB) copied, 60,1652 s, 35,7 MB/s
>> what thoughput does the drbd resync achieve?
> ~ 63MB/sec
> hmm...when I take the information above into account I would say...maybe LVM is the bottleneck? The speed comparison to local writes (achieving ~95mb/sec) were done on the root fs, which is direct on the sda device, not ontop of LVM.
>> -- 
>> : Lars Ellenberg
>> : LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
>> : DRBD/HA support and consulting http://www.linbit.com
>> DRBD® and LINBIT® are registered trademarks of LINBIT, Austria.
>> __
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