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Hi, I'm trying to go from a DRBD v7 2-node cluster to a DRBD+ v8 3-node cluster: portalblogsvalnfs001 - NFS server 1 - part of drbd_c0d1p1 portalblogsvalnfs002 - NFS server 2 - part of drbd_c0d1p1 portalblogsvalnfs000 - backup server - on stack of drbd_c0d1p1, part of drbd_c0d1p1_backup The idea is that the backup server gets synchronized with the NFS servers, but when the actual backup starts it gets detached, mounts the data partition and the data is being copied to the backup tapes. After that, the data partition is unmounted and the drbd is attached again to the NFS servers for synchronization. This to avoid having to backup the actual NFS servers, which would generate a lot of filesystem I/O on the active production system. Going from the 2 NFS node v7 cluster towards a 2 NFS node v8 cluster was relatively easy. Add the backup server portalblogsvalnfs000 does not seem that easy, though. When adding the second line to haresources, the 2 NFS servers stay in Secondary/Secondary (ip address hidden). portalblogsvalnfs001 drbddisk::drbd_c0d1p1 \ drbdupper::drbd_c0d1p1_backup \ Filesystem::/dev/drbd0::/export::ext3::noatime,nodiratime \ killnfsd \ nfs-common \ nfs-kernel-server \ Delay::3::0 \ IPaddr::IPADDRESS_PUBVIP/26/eth0 Also, starting drbd on the backup server (no NFS) ends up with quite a lot of errors: portalblogsvalnfs000:/root# /etc/init.d/drbd start /etc/drbd.conf:24: in resource drbd_c0d1p1, on portalblogsvalnfs001 { ... } ... on portalblogsvalnfs002 { ... }: There are multiple host sections for the peer. Maybe misspelled local host name 'portalblogsvalnfs000'? /etc/drbd.conf:24: in resource drbd_c0d1p1, there is no host section for this host. Missing 'on portalblogsvalnfs000 {...}' ? /etc/drbd.conf:46: in resource drbd_c0d1p1_backup, my hostname (portalblogsvalnfs000) not found in referenced resource drbd_c0d1p1 Starting DRBD resources: /etc/drbd.conf:24: in resource drbd_c0d1p1, on portalblogsvalnfs001 { ... } ... on portalblogsvalnfs002 { ... }: There are multiple host sections for the peer. Maybe misspelled local host name 'portalblogsvalnfs000'? /etc/drbd.conf:24: in resource drbd_c0d1p1, there is no host section for this host. Missing 'on portalblogsvalnfs000 {...}' ? /etc/drbd.conf:46: in resource drbd_c0d1p1_backup, my hostname (portalblogsvalnfs000) not found in referenced resource drbd_c0d1p1 Can not load the drbd module. portalblogsvalnfs000:/root# The actual drbd.conf can be found below. I have more or less followed the idea as it's published on Maybe I overlooked something, or am I doing something wrong. I cannot seem to find a lot more tutorials on a 3 node setup, though. Thanks, regards, Dries. My drbd.conf file (ip addresses hidden): resource drbd_c0d1p1 { protocol C; #incon-degr-cmd "halt -f"; disk { on-io-error detach; } net { } syncer { rate 10M; #group 1; al-extents 257; } on portalblogsvalnfs001 { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/cciss/c0d1p1; address IPADDRESS_INT001:7789; meta-disk internal; } on portalblogsvalnfs002 { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/cciss/c0d1p1; address IPADDRESS_INT002:7789; meta-disk internal; } } resource drbd_c0d1p1_backup { protocol A; startup { degr-wfc-timeout 120; } disk { on-io-error pass_on; } net { } syncer { rate 60M; al-extents 257; } stacked-on-top-of drbd_c0d1p1 { device /dev/drbd1; address IPADDRESS_PUBVIP:7789; } on portalblogsvalnfs000 { device /dev/drbd1; disk /dev/cciss/c0d1p1; address IPADDRESS_PUBSRV000:7788; meta-disk internal; } }