Note: "permalinks" may not be as permanent as we would like,
direct links of old sources may well be a few messages off.
Hi there. I've sucessfully installed DRBD and HeartBeat in 2 servers using a Primary/Secondary configuration. I'm using Heartbeat to start/stop some services, as NFS, HTTPD, MYSQLD ... I use several perl scripts that I created, and they are called at certain times of the day by the crontab of 2 users: "root" and "user1". I'm tempted to use HeartBeat to start/stop service CROND, so only the PRIMARY runs the scripts. However, I'm afraid that stopping the CROND in the SECONDARY will stop some important services, such as rotating log files. Is this safe? Is there any way for me to start/stop ONLY the "root crontab" and the "user1 crontab" with heartbeat? Thanks a lot