[DRBD-user] Hard disk upgrade

matthias zeichmann matthias at volltext.net
Thu Jan 29 16:47:55 CET 2004

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hi list!

i want to upgrade hard disks on a drbd cluster of two servers running in
an active-active configuration with heartbeat as cluster manager. i was
thinking about two ways to accomplish this, but i am afraid that plan a
won't work. 

what do you think / what way would you suggest?

status quo is:
machine atem holds all the ha services and all drbd devices in a sane
state. [0]
machine kaelte has been freshly rebuild with new (larger) disks. some
drbd devices were partitioned to hold more diskspace [1]. drbd devices
are formatted ext3 and hold no data.

plan a:
bring up drbd on machine kaelte without changing drbd.conf (disk-size
still the same as on host atem)
meaning fullsync  atem -> kaelte
start heartbeat on host kaelte and let it assume its native services
(disksize of drbd devices should be as always)
stop heartbeat on host atem and let kaelte take over its services
stop drbd on host atem (-> hard disk upgrade)

and now the critical point which might as well be impossible to work
anyhow: change disk-size in drbd.conf to reflect the real disk-size of
the devices and restart drbd on host kaelte. will this blow my

plan b:
stop all ha services on atem
manually copy all data from atem's drbd devices to kaelte without
running drbd there. start all services usually in ha on kaelte and take
atem down to upgrade its disks. 

thanks for your time and consideration.

regards m

a ~# cat /proc/drbd
atem:data# cat /proc/drbd 
version: 0.6.7rc (api:63/proto:62)

0: cs:WFConnection st:Primary/Unknown ns:311747248 nr:13020 dw:317912044
dr:98812505 pe:0 ua:0
1: cs:WFConnection st:Primary/Unknown ns:253302 nr:2 dw:256706 dr:10187
pe:0 ua:0
2: cs:WFConnection st:Primary/Unknown ns:55896 nr:320097312 dw:324759764
dr:10354698 pe:0 ua:0
3: cs:WFConnection st:Primary/Unknown ns:20468 nr:115221896 dw:116512436
dr:815998 pe:0 ua:0
4: cs:WFConnection st:Primary/Unknown ns:680113080 nr:115504
dw:688348868 dr:509017 pe:0 ua:0
5: cs:WFConnection st:Primary/Unknown ns:103750 nr:17325 dw:55511
dr:102128 pe:0 ua:0
a ~#

[1] drbd devices
device    mountpoint           server      oldsize(kB)     newsize(kB)
/dev/nb0  /var/spool/courier   atem         7692876            9614116
/dev/nb1  /var/lib/ldap        atem          474443             474443
/dev/nb4  /var/spool/postfix   atem         1921156            1921156
/dev/nb2  /usr/local/data      kaelte       9614116           19228276
/dev/nb3  /usr/local/www       kaelte       1921156            5763616
/dev/nb5  /home/ftp            kaelte         93309              93309

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