[Drbd-dev] problems connecting with mix of 9.0.26-rc3, 9.0.24-1, and 9.0.25-1

Michael Labriola michael.d.labriola at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 20:39:23 CET 2020

On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 10:36 AM Michael Labriola
<michael.d.labriola at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just tried upgrading 1 node of a 3 node cluster to 9.0.26-rc3 (w/ patches for 5.10 kernel support).  The other two nodes are running 9.0.24-1 and 9.0.25-1.  The upgraded node comes up w/out any noticeable complaints, but stays in Connecting forever.  Switching that node back to 9.0.25-1 connects instantly.
> Anyone seeing this kind of thing with the latest rc?

FYI, I'm happy to report that this problem is fixed in rc4.  I've got
working DRBD devices w/ the 5.10.1 kernel.  I'll go beat on it and see
if anything else breaks.  :-)

Michael D Labriola
21 Rip Van Winkle Cir
Warwick, RI 02886
401-316-9844 (cell)

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