[Drbd-dev] [CASE 12] 2 primary split-brain is not detected

김성은 sekim at mantech.co.kr
Tue Dec 22 02:06:14 CET 2015


I am Software Manager in Mantech, and testing drbd 9.

some problems are occurred. CASE 12 is one of them.

[CASE 12] 2 primary split-brain is not detected.

- Linux VM 2 nodes
- Linux drbd version 9.0.0

Test scenario:

- 2 node's status is uptodate

node 1node 2drbdadm disconnect r0 drbdadm primary r0 copy files on
node1   drbdadm
primary r0 copy files on node2
drbdadm connect r0

- at this point, we predicted that 2 primary split-brain is occurred and
drbd9 detect it.

But split-brain is not occurred, not detected. no debug log.
Just retry connection log is showing between two nodes.

Question is :

1) How can I test 2 primary split-brain situation ?

2) Does support 2 primary split-brain in drbd9 ?



drbd9's manual describe 'after-sb-2pri' option.


Best Regards
Sungeun Kim

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기술연구소 / DRBD팀        Mobile : 010-2813-4843

*김 성 은 **차장               sekim at mantech.co.kr <sekim at mantech.co.kr>*

서울특별시 성동구 성수일로4길 25 서울숲코오롱디지털타워 12층

Tel : 02-2136-6913 / Fax : 02-575-4858 / 콜센터 : 1833-7790


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