[Drbd-dev] DRBD8: An attach after a disk fault on the sync targetcauses a deadlock in WFBitMapT

Montrose, Ernest Ernest.Montrose at stratus.com
Mon Jul 9 19:04:18 CEST 2007

Actually I uncover a problem with the patch I attached.  I am getting an
"unexpected Cstate" if I simply detach and attach.


-----Original Message-----
From: drbd-dev-bounces at linbit.com [mailto:drbd-dev-bounces at linbit.com]
On Behalf Of Montrose, Ernest
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 11:25 AM
To: Philipp Reisner; drbd-dev at linbit.com
Subject: [Drbd-dev] DRBD8: An attach after a disk fault on the sync
targetcauses a deadlock in WFBitMapT

Hi all,
We are seeing a problem where while syncing if the sync target detaches
then attempts to attach, both nodes end up in cs:WABitMapT state.  This
happens if both nodes where in Secondary/Secondary state and the dettach
happened on the SyncTarget.

I think what's happening is that the syncsource is losing the fact that
the synctarget is out of date.  After_state_ch() clears that fact out. I
am not  sure that the included patch is the proper fix for this but it
will illustrates the issue. 



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