[DRBD-announce] drbd-reactor v0.5.2

Roland Kammerer roland.kammerer at linbit.com
Wed Jan 19 13:32:16 CET 2022

Dear DRBD users,

this is version 0.5.2 of drbd-reactor. There is no too critical bug,
never the less this release contains a number of fixes and users should

To highlight some of the fixes the output of "drbd-reactorctl status" is
now properly ordered and it is now possible to use "uncommon" resource
names in the promoter plugin. The later is probably the biggest fix in
this release. So far if a DRBD resource contained characters that need
systemd escaping the generated systemd templates have not been properly
systemd escaped. This is now fixed and resource names such as "foo-01"
('-' being a char that needs escaping) are possible.

One additional feature I want to highlight is that the promoter plugin
now checks for certain DRBD properties and writes warnings to the log if
they are not fulfilled (e.g., disabled auto-promote, quorum settings).
These requirements are documented here:

GIT: https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor/commit/e4d83969cb3e3a1b3ac1efb84e86fa54741aaa48
TGZ: https://pkg.linbit.com//downloads/drbd/utils/drbd-reactor-0.5.2.tar.gz
PPA: https://launchpad.net/~linbit/+archive/ubuntu/linbit-drbd9-stack

[Roland Kammerer]
* promoter: add auto-generated header
* ctl: extend env
* umh: add on-no-quorum-io-error.sh example
* promoter: check for drbd options
* build: allow 'make rpm' from release tarballs
* promoter: systemd escape template names
* ctl: linstor-gateway hint

[ Christoph Böhmwalder ]
* ctl: use subprocess.run instead of os.system

Regards, rck
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