[DRBD-announce] drbd-utils v9.19.0

Roland Kammerer roland.kammerer at linbit.com
Mon Oct 4 08:37:35 CEST 2021

Dear DRBD users,

this is release v9.19.0 of drbd-utils. This contains all the fixes since
the 9.18.0 release plus some other changes. 9.18.2 broke the wait-for
family of commands, therefor users should upgrade.

GIT: https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-utils/commit/9f2aa37c2e0438bc3e6336eb8f697cfc6c0b8243
TGZ: https://pkg.linbit.com//downloads/drbd/utils/drbd-utils-9.19.0.tar.gz
PPA: https://launchpad.net/~linbit/+archive/ubuntu/linbit-drbd9-stack/+packages

Regards, rck


 * v9,events2: show changes of peer-client
 * v9: rr-conflict strategy auto-discard for protocol A
 * windrbd: various fixes including setting the systemd root
 * containers: switch to UBI8
 * v9,wait-*: fix segfault

 * systemd: fix SELinux for drbd-promote at .service
 * drbdadm: allow 4096 chars for concatenated host names
 * drbdadm: enforce max length of fields for drbdsetup
 * build: fix redefinition of __swab{16,32,64}

 * systemd: drbd at .service: pull in network-online.target
 * systemd: fix SELinux for recent systemd templates
 * doc: updated Japanese translation

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