[DRBD-announce] drbd-utils v9.19.1

Roland Kammerer roland.kammerer at linbit.com
Fri Nov 19 10:14:24 CET 2021

Dear DRBD users,

This is the final release of drbd-utils 9.19.1. There have not been any
changes since RC1.

There is no too urgent need to update for most users.

The main fixes and improvements are that this version brings is that it
fixes a bug for our customers that use DRBD-Proxy and want multiple
connections to share a proxy node; that this version now also builds on
the upcoming RHEL9.0; and that we introduced some further nice systemd
helper. This helper can be used to demote a DRBD resource or escalate to
a failure action, therefore its name "drbd-demote-or-escalate at .service".
While of course it can be used stand-alone, the main purpose is
drbd-reactor::promoter, which can then properly fail-over to a cluster
node if "DRBD is stuck" (because there are still openers from another
service for example). But that is something for the soon to follow
drbd-reactor release.

Regards, rck

GIT: https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-utils/tree/9.19.1
TGZ: https://pkg.linbit.com//downloads/drbd/utils/drbd-utils-9.19.1.tar.gz
PPA: https://launchpad.net/~linbit/+archive/ubuntu/linbit-drbd9-stack
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