[DRBD-announce] drbd-reactor v0.4.2
Roland Kammerer
roland.kammerer at linbit.com
Tue Jul 27 10:42:13 CEST 2021
Dear DRBD users,
this is version 0.4.2 of drbd-reactor. Again, this mixes a small bug fix
with a feature:
As you might know the promoter plugin can use OCF agents, which are used
by specifying "ocf:$vendor:$agent name kwargs" in the "start = []" list of the
services. The regex used was too strict and did not work if the agent
had a '-' in it for example (it was class [[:word:]]).
The feature in this release is that one can auto-reload the daemon on
new configuration snippets. Usually a drbd-reactor setup is pretty
static, one uses the Prometheus plugin and 1, 2 pet DRBD resources that
are made highly available with the promoter plugin, like the LINSTOR
controller DB. In this case users use 'drbd-reactorctl edit ...' and it
does the daemon reloading for them. But we are also using drbd-reactor
in future versions of linstor-gateway (removing the dependency on
pacemaker) and in LINSTOR vSAN. These are more dynamic and highly
available iscsi/nfs targets are created dynamically by the users. Long
story short, in these setups it would be nice to just drop (or remove) a
configuration snippet to /etc/drbd-reactor.d/ and the rest is handled
automatically. And that is the feature. We now ship
drbd-reactor-reload.{path,service} in the example/ directory. One can
copy these to for example /etc/systemd/system and 'systemctl enable
--now drbd-reactor-reload.path' (the .service gets triggered by the path
unit, don't enable it). drbd-reactorctl was made aware of that and only
restarts/reloads drbd-reactor if necessary (i.e., not done by the path
unit) to avoid unnecessary reloads. Usually, users still just want to
use drbd-reactorctl which does the right thing (tm) without automatic
reloading, but if you are in a more dynamic situation you now know that
automatic reloading is possible.
GIT: https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor/releases/tag/v0.4.2
TGZ: https://pkg.linbit.com//downloads/drbd/utils/drbd-reactor-0.4.2.tar.gz
PPA: https://launchpad.net/~linbit/+archive/ubuntu/linbit-drbd9-stack
Regards, rck
[ Rene Peinthor ]
* gitlab: add coverage report and use prebuilt image
[ Roland Kammerer ]
* promoter: fix ocf regex
* ctl: use tempfile not in snippets
* core,ctl: add autoload
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