[DRBD-announce] drbd-9.0.19-0rc2

Roland Kammerer roland.kammerer at linbit.com
Fri Jun 28 11:37:04 CEST 2019


since rc1 there have been several fixes. All in all a bit more changes
than expected. Note that especially the fixed resync bugs existed for a
longer time and have not been introduced with the 9.0.19 series. Please

9.0.19-0rc2 (api:genl2/proto:86-115/transport:14)
 * quorum: no tie-breaker for 0 voters
 * quorum: ignore node when also no-read node
 * Fix detection of unstable resync
 * Fix multiple sync
 * Fix noisy UUID warnings when actually expected


Regards, rck

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