[Csync2] Using Csync2 when hosts are not resolved by dns

Łukasz Wąsikowski lukasz at wasikowski.net
Tue Oct 23 00:06:13 CEST 2012

W dniu 2012-10-22 22:13, Vadim Comanescu pisze:

> Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Indeed this solved my problem. Some small changes like starting the server in stand-alone mode as i am on solaris and it works better, and to figure out how to trigger the update. From node1 csync2 -xv -N node1 just works as i expected. 
> Maybe I could contribute somehow to the documentation for such a setup, as I consider it to be a very common when one would use a private network for the heartbeat in a cluster. Don't really see a way to do that.

You could just add csync2 nodes to /etc/hosts file, it's easier.
Something like this:

cat /etc/hosts localhost
::1 localhost

# cluster nodes node1 node2 node3

best regards,
Lukasz Wasikowski

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