[Csync2] Using Csync2 when hosts are not resolved by dns

Vadim Comanescu vadim984 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 22:13:41 CEST 2012

Hi Michi,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Indeed this solved my problem. Some small changes like starting the server in stand-alone mode as i am on solaris and it works better, and to figure out how to trigger the update. From node1 csync2 -xv -N node1 just works as i expected. 
Maybe I could contribute somehow to the documentation for such a setup, as I consider it to be a very common when one would use a private network for the heartbeat in a cluster. Don't really see a way to do that.

Thanks again, really appreciate it.

On Oct 22, 2012, at 10:34 PM, Michi Mutsuzaki wrote:

> Hi Vadim,
> You can use IP addresses instead of hostnames in the config file. I
> have a config file that looks like this:
> group mycluster
> {
>    host node1 at;
>    host node2 at;
>    host node3 at;
>    key /etc/csync2.key_mycluster;
>    include /mycluster;
> }
> Note that node{1,2,3} are not DNS hostnames, but arbitrary names that
> just need to be unique within the cluster. Then, you need to start the
> servers using -N option:
> $ csync2 -i -N node1 # on
> $ csync2 -i -N node2 # on
> $ csync2 -i -N node3 # on
> Let me know if this solves your problem.
> Thanks!
> --Michi
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Vadim Comanescu <vadim984 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I managed to compile and install csync2-1.34 on solaris for my latest project for synchronizing files in a heartbeat/pacemaker cluster.
>> Now i'm faced with a very interesting situation, where the hostnames that need to be synchronized are not resolved by dns since the communication between them is done through a separate network dedicated for the heartbeat. The problem I have that each time a node would join the cluster i would have to modify the hosts file on each node of the cluster so that csync2 would be able to propagate the changed files to the new node.
>> I would like to know what would be the main reason that all the definitions of a host in the cfg file are made using its hostname and not the host's IP? Would it be possible for it to use the IP's?
>> Vadim
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