[Csync2] Write-error while sending data

Clifford Wolf clifford at clifford.at
Tue Oct 25 12:55:40 CEST 2005

Hi Vic,

On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 12:56:58AM +0800, Vic Berdin wrote:
> I'm trying out the latest csync2 release (1.24) for remote copying a
> postgres-db root path. I have postmaster "down" during the copy
> process on the source node, yet I still get the said error message.
> And naturally, I can't get postmaster running on the recieving node,
> as needed files may not be copied properly. Simply put, the copy
> process just stops prematurely with the said error message. How do I
> go about with this problem?

This message is printed if the recieving node is closing the network
connection while synchronizing a file. this should not happen (tm).

the error seams to be on the recieving side. so we need to debug csync2 on
there. I'd recommend the following procedure:

	* Run csync2 from the command line on the recieving node. To do so,
	  remove it from the inetd configuration and run it with the -iii
	  option. In this mode the csync2 process will only process a
	  single connection and will not fork. Ideal for debugging.

	* Also pass some -v to the recieving node to make it more verbose.

I'd guess that the recieving node eighter runs into an unexpected i/o error
or into a segmentation fault. (Or runs into a segmentation fault because of
an unexpected i/o error.. ;-)

To debug the problem I'd need an strace dump and (if the process crashes)
a stack backtrace ('bt' command in gdb) of the recieving csync2 process.

thanks for helping improving csync2.

 - clifford

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Oh, boy, virtual memory! Now I'm gonna make myself a really *big* RAMdisk!

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