<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>I'm using drbd (8.3.13) in a ganeti 2.11.6 environment.<br><br>The system is set up as follows:<br>* 3 physical machines, 2x 6 core xeon + 96GB RAM each node<br>(all hosts running Debian Wheezy)<br>* 4 SSD @ RAID 10 via hardware raid controller<br>* 500 GByte of this volume as an lvm vg for ganeti (as required for ganeti)<br>* network between the nodes 2x 1Gbit using port bonding (active/slave failover, bond mode 0)<br>* network speed, though is limited to 500 Mbit/s by the DC (money and stuff -.-*)<br><br>My
problem is the following. The first, lets say, 2 weeks of setting up
the ganeti cluster (and filling it with kvm VMs), everything used to be
fine.<br>DRBD Volumes were syncing at top speeds as seen in iftop
monitoring the bonding device, which means 400-450 Mbits - no complains.<br>Then
suddenly every installation took much longer than it has recently.
Syncing speeds never raised 130 Mbits from that moment on.<br><br>I started
searching at the bottom, so network and physical disks. Network had
the desired capacity all the time, with scp running 3 or 4 times faster than the drbd
sync<br>(even WHILE having a sync in progress). iperf measurements from one node to another confirmed that:<br><br>#################<br><br>Client connecting to, TCP port 5001<br>TCP window size: 64.0 KByte (default)<br>------------------------------<div dir="ltr">------------------------------<br>[ 3] local port 47716 connected with port 5001<br>[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth<br>[ 3] 0.0-10.0 sec 520 MBytes 435 Mbits/sec<br><br>#################<br><br>The disks are okay too, could not imagine a raid10 ssd raid hitting the break to 100 Mbit/s anyways, dd to be sure:<br><br>#################<br><br># dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/foobar bs=1k count=1000000<br>1000000+0 Datensätze ein<br>1000000+0 Datensätze aus<br>1024000000 Bytes (1,0 GB) kopiert, 1,96102 s, 522 MB/s<br><br>#################<br><br>I've then tried to dig a bit deeper into drbd and made a couple of settings there.<br><br>e.g.<br>* trying different sync-rate (in static mode)<br>* trying dynamic syncer with several min and max limits<br><br>When enabling a ganeti specific option --prealloc-disk-wipe the behaviour recovered for a short time but speeds dropped again :/<br><br>I
refocused the network, and set up MTU 9000 and txqueuelen 10000 for the
bonding interface which again fixed it for a few minutes just to get bad
again.<br><br>I've tried to set several tcp related sysctl options such as net.core.netdev_max_backlog and net.ipv4.tcp_mtu_probing.<br><br>It all ends in syncing speed with max 100 mbit/s.<br><br>My
problem isn't the initial creation of VMs (initial sync could be put into
background so the vm can already install while the sync is in progress). The main point ist that the slow sync is acts as a
bottleneck for disk actions on the vms themself.<br><br>That gives me technically a
limit of 100 Mbit/s virtual drive speed (especially when handling with
big files). I could use drbd Protocol A to prevent this but data integrity in case of failures is more important to me.<br><br>Actually I'm running out of ideas what else to try.<br><br>Anyone an idea where I forgot to look - any suggestions?<br><br>Best regards and thanks in advance<br>Max</div></div>