Hello everyone,<br><br>I am studying the �Active/Passive �iSCSI configuration on the guide:<br><br><a href="http://www.linbit.com/en/education/tech-guides/highly-available-iscsi-with-drbd-and-pacemaker/">http://www.linbit.com/en/education/tech-guides/highly-available-iscsi-with-drbd-and-pacemaker/</a><br>
<br>The guide says that we have to configure a Virtual IP for the iSCSI target. But it doens't detail the network configuration.<br><br>1 - How do I select the network interfaces to use for iSCSI?<br><br>2 - Each server must have a interface on the same subnet of the iSCSI VIP, correct? If yes, then how do I point that on crm? How do I tie this things togheter?<br>
<br>3 - On the "Resource" section of the drbd config file, I have to select the IP Address of the DRBD Replication interface, correct:<br>i.e.:<br><br>resource iscsivg01 {<br>device /dev/drbd1;<br>disk /dev/sda1;<br>
meta-disk internal;<br>on alice {<br>address <a href=""></a>;<br>}<br>on bob {<br>address <a href=""></a>;<br>}<br>}<br><br>- I am missing something?<br>
- Anybody has a tip on a more detailed guide for that configuration?<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br>Pedro Mazzoni<br>