Hi,<br>I have a cluster with 3 nodes and 2 resource groups which use 2 different ms drbd resources. The 3rd node plays the roll of the backup node of the other 2 nodes, so N+1 cluster.<br>If I startup only the first and the second node I am getting the error " Failure: (124) Device is attached to a disk (use detach first)", but the promote works and the resources is started. I am only get that error in this specific scenario.If the third node is down and i restart ms drbd resources or restart the whole cluster with heartbeat stop/stop I don't receive that error. <br>
<br>Any ideas? Since the resources are started I shouldn't be worry. But, I would like to know why I get the error, I don't like to see errors, even harmless, without knowing the reason.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Pavlos<br>
<br>Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:ip_02:2: probe<br>Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=4:1:7:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=ip_02_monitor_0 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=5:1:7:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=fs_02_monitor_0 )<br>
Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:fs_02:3: probe<br>Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=6:1:7:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=pbx_02_monitor_0 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:pbx_02:4: probe<br>
Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=7:1:7:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=drbd_01:0_monitor_0 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:drbd_01:0:5: probe<br>Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=8:1:7:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=drbd_02:0_monitor_0 )<br>
Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 cib: [3614]: info: write_cib_contents: Archived previous version as /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib-65.raw<br>Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=9:1:7:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=ip_01_monitor_0 )<br>
Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=10:1:7:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=fs_01_monitor_0 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:20 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=11:1:7:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=pbx_01_monitor_0 )<br>
Sep 23 07:58:21 node-01 cib: [3614]: info: write_cib_contents: Wrote version 0.299.0 of the CIB to disk (digest: 1d63099ba4a68abd3ae745a8c7ff3791)<br>Sep 23 07:58:21 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation pbx_02_monitor_0 (call=4, rc=7, cib-update=8, confirmed=true) not running<br>
Sep 23 07:58:21 node-01 cib: [3614]: info: retrieveCib: Reading cluster configuration from: /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.0aWXrl (digest: /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.bQ9Y5r)<br>Sep 23 07:58:21 node-01 Filesystem[3616]: [3655]: WARNING: Couldn't find device [/dev/drbd2]. Expected /dev/??? to exist<br>
Sep 23 07:58:21 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation fs_02_monitor_0 (call=3, rc=7, cib-update=9, confirmed=true) not running<br>Sep 23 07:58:21 node-01 crm_attribute: [3697]: info: Invoked: crm_attribute -N node-01 -n master-drbd_01:0 -l reboot -D<br>
Sep 23 07:58:21 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: find_hash_entry: Creating hash entry for master-drbd_01:0<br>Sep 23 07:58:21 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation drbd_01:0_monitor_0 (call=5, rc=7, cib-update=10, confirmed=true) not running<br>
Sep 23 07:58:21 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation ip_02_monitor_0 (call=2, rc=7, cib-update=11, confirmed=true) not running<br>Sep 23 07:58:22 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: attrd_ha_callback: flush message from node-02<br>
Sep 23 07:58:22 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: find_hash_entry: Creating hash entry for probe_complete<br>Sep 23 07:58:22 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:drbd_02:0:6: probe<br>Sep 23 07:58:22 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:ip_01:7: probe<br>
Sep 23 07:58:22 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:fs_01:8: probe<br>Sep 23 07:58:22 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:pbx_01:9: probe<br>Sep 23 07:58:22 node-01 Filesystem[3723]: [3760]: WARNING: Couldn't find device [/dev/drbd1]. Expected /dev/??? to exist<br>
Sep 23 07:58:22 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation fs_01_monitor_0 (call=8, rc=7, cib-update=12, confirmed=true) not running<br>Sep 23 07:58:23 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_02:0:probe:stderr) 'drbd_pbx_service_2' ignored, since this host (node-01) is not mentioned with an 'on' keyword.<br>
<br>Sep 23 07:58:23 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation drbd_02:0_monitor_0 (call=6, rc=7, cib-update=13, confirmed=true) not running<br>Sep 23 07:58:23 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation pbx_01_monitor_0 (call=9, rc=7, cib-update=14, confirmed=true) not running<br>
Sep 23 07:58:23 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation ip_01_monitor_0 (call=7, rc=7, cib-update=15, confirmed=true) not running<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: attrd_trigger_update: Sending flush op to all hosts for: probe_complete (true)<br>
Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:drbd_01:0:10: start<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=11:2:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=drbd_01:0_start_0 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: attrd_perform_update: Sent update 11: probe_complete=true<br>
Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: attrd_trigger_update: Sending flush op to all hosts for: probe_complete (true)<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: attrd_perform_update: Sent update 14: probe_complete=true<br>
Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stdout)<br><br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stdout) Found valid meta data in the expected location, 8587153408 bytes into /dev/sdd1.<br>
<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stdout)<br><br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) 1: Failure: (124) Device is attached to a disk (use detach first)<br>
<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) Command '<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) drbdsetup<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr)<br>
Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) 1<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr)<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) disk<br>
Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr)<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) /dev/sdd1<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr)<br>
Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) /dev/sdd1<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr)<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) internal<br>
Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr)<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) --set-defaults<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr)<br>
Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) --create-device<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr)<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) --fencing=resource-only<br>
Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr)<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) --on-io-error=detach<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stderr) ' terminated with exit code 10<br>
<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 drbd[3810]: [3864]: ERROR: drbd_pbx_service_1: Called drbdadm -c /etc/drbd.conf up drbd_pbx_service_1<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 drbd[3810]: [3866]: ERROR: drbd_pbx_service_1: Exit code 1<br>Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 drbd[3810]: [3868]: ERROR: drbd_pbx_service_1: Command output:<br>
Sep 23 07:58:25 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stdout)<br><br>Sep 23 07:58:26 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: attrd_trigger_update: Sending flush op to all hosts for: master-drbd_01:0 (10000)<br>Sep 23 07:58:26 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: attrd_perform_update: Sent update 17: master-drbd_01:0=10000<br>
Sep 23 07:58:26 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:start:stdout)<br><br>Sep 23 07:58:26 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation drbd_01:0_start_0 (call=10, rc=0, cib-update=16, confirmed=true) ok<br>
Sep 23 07:58:26 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: attrd_ha_callback: flush message from node-02<br>Sep 23 07:58:26 node-01 attrd: [3606]: info: find_hash_entry: Creating hash entry for master-drbd_02:0<br>Sep 23 07:58:28 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:drbd_01:0:11: notify<br>
Sep 23 07:58:28 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=94:2:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=drbd_01:0_notify_0 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:28 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:notify:stdout)<br>
<br>Sep 23 07:58:28 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation drbd_01:0_notify_0 (call=11, rc=0, cib-update=17, confirmed=true) ok<br>Sep 23 07:58:31 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:drbd_01:0:12: notify<br>
Sep 23 07:58:31 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=99:3:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=drbd_01:0_notify_0 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:31 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation drbd_01:0_notify_0 (call=12, rc=0, cib-update=18, confirmed=true) ok<br>
Sep 23 07:58:33 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:drbd_01:0:13: promote<br>Sep 23 07:58:33 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=17:3:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=drbd_01:0_promote_0 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:33 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:promote:stdout)<br>
<br>Sep 23 07:58:33 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation drbd_01:0_promote_0 (call=13, rc=0, cib-update=19, confirmed=true) ok<br>Sep 23 07:58:36 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:drbd_01:0:14: notify<br>
Sep 23 07:58:36 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=100:3:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=drbd_01:0_notify_0 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:36 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (drbd_01:0:notify:stdout)<br>
<br>Sep 23 07:58:36 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation drbd_01:0_notify_0 (call=14, rc=0, cib-update=20, confirmed=true) ok<br>Sep 23 07:58:38 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:ip_01:15: start<br>Sep 23 07:58:38 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=70:3:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=ip_01_start_0 )<br>
Sep 23 07:58:38 node-01 IPaddr2[3991]: [4023]: INFO: ip -f inet addr add <a href=""></a> brd dev eth0<br>Sep 23 07:58:38 node-01 IPaddr2[3991]: [4026]: INFO: ip link set eth0 up<br>
Sep 23 07:58:38 node-01 IPaddr2[3991]: [4029]: INFO: /usr/lib/heartbeat/send_arp -i 200 -r 5 -p /var/run/heartbeat/rsctmp/send_arp/send_arp- eth0 auto not_used not_used<br>Sep 23 07:58:38 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation ip_01_start_0 (call=15, rc=0, cib-update=21, confirmed=true) ok<br>
Sep 23 07:58:40 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=71:3:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=ip_01_monitor_5000 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:40 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:ip_01:16: monitor<br>Sep 23 07:58:40 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=72:3:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=fs_01_start_0 )<br>
Sep 23 07:58:40 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:fs_01:17: start<br>Sep 23 07:58:40 node-01 Filesystem[4038]: [4098]: INFO: Running start for /dev/drbd1 on /pbx_service_01<br>Sep 23 07:58:40 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation ip_01_monitor_5000 (call=16, rc=0, cib-update=22, confirmed=false) ok<br>
Sep 23 07:58:40 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation fs_01_start_0 (call=17, rc=0, cib-update=23, confirmed=true) ok<br>Sep 23 07:58:42 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: RA output: (ip_01:start:stderr) ARPING from eth0<br>
Sent 5 probes (5 broadcast(s))<br>Received 0 response(s)<br><br>Sep 23 07:58:44 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:fs_01:18: monitor<br>Sep 23 07:58:44 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=73:3:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=fs_01_monitor_20000 )<br>
Sep 23 07:58:44 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:pbx_01:19: start<br>Sep 23 07:58:44 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=74:3:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=pbx_01_start_0 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:44 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation pbx_01_start_0 (call=19, rc=0, cib-update=24, confirmed=true) ok<br>
Sep 23 07:58:44 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation fs_01_monitor_20000 (call=18, rc=0, cib-update=25, confirmed=false) ok<br>Sep 23 07:58:46 node-01 lrmd: [3604]: info: rsc:pbx_01:20: monitor<br>
Sep 23 07:58:46 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=75:3:0:7d69fd52-a69b-4f73-b325-60e3676d6068 op=pbx_01_monitor_20000 )<br>Sep 23 07:58:46 node-01 crmd: [3607]: info: process_lrm_event: LRM operation pbx_01_monitor_20000 (call=20, rc=0, cib-update=26, confirmed=false) ok<br>
<br>[root@node-02 ~]# crm configure show<br>node $id="b8ad13a6-8a6e-4304-a4a1-8f69fa735100" node-02<br>node $id="d5557037-cf8f-49b7-95f5-c264927a0c76" node-01<br>node $id="e5195d6b-ed14-4bb3-92d3-9105543f9251" node-03<br>
primitive drbd_01 ocf:linbit:drbd \<br> params drbd_resource="drbd_pbx_service_1" \<br> op monitor interval="30s"<br>primitive drbd_02 ocf:linbit:drbd \<br> params drbd_resource="drbd_pbx_service_2" \<br>
op monitor interval="30s"<br>primitive fs_01 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \<br> params device="/dev/drbd1" directory="/pbx_service_01" fstype="ext3" migration-threshold="3" failure-timeout="60" \<br>
op monitor interval="20s" timeout="40s" OCF_CHECK_LEVEL="20"<br>primitive fs_02 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \<br> params device="/dev/drbd2" directory="/pbx_service_02" fstype="ext3"<br>
primitive ip_01 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \<br> params ip="" cidr_netmask="25" broadcast="" failure-timeout="120" migration-threshold="3" \<br> op monitor interval="5s"<br>
primitive ip_02 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \<br> params ip="" cidr_netmask="25" broadcast="" \<br> op monitor interval="5s"<br>primitive pbx_01 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy \<br>
params state="/pbx_service_01/Dummy.state" failure-timeout="60" migration-threshold="3" \<br> op monitor interval="20s" timeout="40s"<br>primitive pbx_02 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy \<br>
params state="/pbx_service_02/Dummy.state"<br>group pbx_service_01 ip_01 fs_01 pbx_01 \<br> meta target-role="Started"<br>group pbx_service_02 ip_02 fs_02 pbx_02 \<br> meta target-role="Started"<br>
ms ms-drbd_01 drbd_01 \<br> meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true" target-role="Started"<br>ms ms-drbd_02 drbd_02 \<br>
meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true" target-role="Started"<br>location PrimaryNode-drbd_01 ms-drbd_01 100: node-01<br>
location PrimaryNode-drbd_02 ms-drbd_02 100: node-02<br>location PrimaryNode-pbx_service_01 pbx_service_01 200: node-01<br>location PrimaryNode-pbx_service_02 pbx_service_02 200: node-02<br>location SecondaryNode-drbd_01 ms-drbd_01 0: node-03<br>
location SecondaryNode-drbd_02 ms-drbd_02 0: node-03<br>location SecondaryNode-pbx_service_01 pbx_service_01 10: node-03<br>location SecondaryNode-pbx_service_02 pbx_service_02 10: node-03<br>colocation fs_01-on-drbd_01 inf: pbx_service_01 ms-drbd_01:Master<br>
colocation fs_02-on-drbd_02 inf: fs_02 ms-drbd_02:Master<br>colocation pbx_01-with-fs_01 inf: pbx_01 fs_01<br>colocation pbx_01-with-ip_01 inf: pbx_01 ip_01<br>colocation pbx_02-with-fs_02 inf: pbx_02 fs_02<br>colocation pbx_02-with-ip_02 inf: pbx_02 ip_02<br>
order fs_01-after-drbd_01 inf: ms-drbd_01:promote pbx_service_01:start<br>order fs_02-after-drbd_02 inf: ms-drbd_02:promote fs_02:start<br>order pbx_01-after-fs_01 inf: fs_01 pbx_01<br>order pbx_01-after-ip_01 inf: ip_01 pbx_01<br>
order pbx_02-after-fs_02 inf: fs_02 pbx_02<br>order pbx_02-after-ip_02 inf: ip_02 pbx_02<br>property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \<br> dc-version="1.0.9-89bd754939df5150de7cd76835f98fe90851b677" \<br>
cluster-infrastructure="Heartbeat" \<br> stonith-enabled="false" \<br> symmetric-cluster="false"<br>rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \<br> resource-stickiness="1000"<br>
<br>[root@node-02 ~]# cat /etc/drbd.conf ###common an all nodes<br>#<br># please have a a look at the example configuration file in<br># /usr/share/doc/drbd83/drbd.conf<br>#<br><br>global {<br> usage-count yes;<br>}<br>common {<br>
protocol C;<br><br> syncer {<br> csums-alg sha1;<br> verify-alg sha1;<br> rate 10M;<br> }<br><br> net {<br> data-integrity-alg sha1;<br> max-buffers 20480;<br> max-epoch-size 16384;<br> }<br><br> disk {<br>
on-io-error detach;<br>### Only when DRBD is under cluster ###<br> fencing resource-only;<br>### --- ###<br> }<br><br> startup {<br> wfc-timeout 60;<br> degr-wfc-timeout 30;<br> outdated-wfc-timeout 15;<br>
}<br><br>### Only when DRBD is under cluster ###<br> handlers {<br> split-brain "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-split-brain.sh root";<br> fence-peer "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-fence-peer.sh";<br> after-resync-target "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-unfence-peer.sh";<br>
}<br>### --- ###<br>}<br><br>resource drbd_pbx_service_1 {<br><br> on node-01 {<br> device /dev/drbd1;<br> disk /dev/sdd1;<br> address <a href=""></a>;<br> meta-disk internal;<br>
}<br> on node-03 {<br> device /dev/drbd1;<br> disk /dev/sdd1;<br> address <a href=""></a>;<br> meta-disk internal;<br> }<br>}<br><br>resource drbd_pbx_service_2 {<br>
<br> on node-02 {<br> device /dev/drbd2;<br> disk /dev/sdb1;<br> address <a href=""></a>;<br> meta-disk internal;<br> }<br> on node-03 {<br> device /dev/drbd2;<br>
disk /dev/sdc1;<br> address <a href=""></a>;<br> meta-disk internal;<br> }<br>}<br>[root@node-02 ~]#<br><br>