I'm running ubuntu 8.04 server and i installed drbd from the official repos i have through my contract. I've taken great care to specify the correct drbd-module kernel version and the drbd8 utils. I've uninstalled and resinstalled, yet i continue to receive this:<br>
<br>DRBD module version: 8.0.11<br> userland version: 8.3.5<br>please don't mix different DRBD series.<br><br>apt-show-versions:<br>drbd8-module-2.6.24-24-server/hardy uptodate 2:8.3.5-0+2.6.24-24.53<br>drbd8-utils/hardy uptodate 2:8.3.5-0<br clear="all">
<br>uname-r:<br>2.6.24-25-server<br><br>Thanks,<br>-- <br>Scott Inderlied<br><br><br>