<div dir="ltr">Hi.<br><br>I am trying to get the online verification to work on 8.2.6, and I added the "verify-alg sha1;" to the "syncer" stanza in the "common" section, rsync the config files, "drbdadm adjust all" on both nodes, and then:<br>
<br>root@xen-02:/etc/xen# drbdadm verify webapp02-test-root<br>/dev/drbd6: Failure: (137) (null)<br>Command 'drbdsetup /dev/drbd6 verify' terminated with exit code 10<br><br>I even tried adding a syncer section to that specific resource rsync, adjust, verify and ... fail.<br>
<br>It's failing for any resource I try (in use or not).<br><br>What should I look at next?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Sam<br></div>