Hello all,<br><br>I'm using heartbeat 1.2.5-3 and drbd on two Etch servers (in active/passive).<br><br>I have a question about the configuration files of my services.<br>Is
it a nice idea to put my /etc/mysql (or any other config directory of
services) on my /data (my drbd partition) and to create a symlink from
/data/etc/mysql to /etc/mysql ?<br>
I would like to do that in order to have the same configuration on both
servers and to avoid to copy the config from server1 to server2 each
time I change parameters for a service (like apache, mysql, ldap etc)
on a config file.<br>
But I don't want to create some security problems or other things like that...<br><br>Thank you very much for yours answers!<br><br>Regards<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Gauthier DOUCHET