<dd>2007/6/20, N.J. van der Horn (Nico)
<<a href="mailto:nico@vanderhorn.nl">nico@vanderhorn.nl</a>>:
<dd>Greetings all !<br>
<dd>At what moment(s) is the config-file re-read ?<br>
<dd>I have experienced that "drbdadm syncer <resource>"
effectuates a
<dd>change in e.g. "rate <speed>" immediately.<br>
<dd>Is there a way to influent the moment of re-reading the config-file
<dd>after a change ?<br>
<dd>You can re-configure drbd with `drbdadm adjust
<dd>Extract from the drbdadm man page:
<dd>« adjust
<dd>Synchronizes the configuration of device with your configuration
file. You should always examine
<dd>the output of the dry-run mode before actually executing this
command. »<br>
<dd>Jérôme Augé <br><br>
</dl>Forgive me, i see my Q was not sharp enough ;-) (hmmm do not
want to bother you all with weak Q's).<br><br>
Hope this will be a more correct Q:<br><br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>"At
what _other_ moment(s) than "module-load/start" and
"drbdadm adjust" is the config-file re-read ?"<br><br>
The reason for asking is, that i hope to avoid surprises _before_ i want
my changes to take effect.<br><br>
Also, the config must be copied to the other node first, before you want
it to take into effect.<br><br>
In the mean time there can happen all kinds of real-world events that
could trigger re-reading the config,<br>
but the other side still has the previous version of the config-file, i
think i should avoid this.<br><br>
Sorry for not being clear enough in the first post, hope i compensated
mvg Nico<br>