I've gotten DRBD working really well on it's own now, understanding it more.<br><br>Now I want to add heartbeat (v2) to the equation.<br><br>I'm running Suse Linux 10.2 if it matters.<br><br>My problem is I can't seem to get heartbeat to mount the drive.
<br><br>I'm doing a single drive, single partition test for now.<br><br>I am only running one server for the heartbeat part (I just want to get it going locally first).<br><br>I can get it to bring up the virtual IP portion, if I only put that in the haresources, and that works ok.
<br>But if I try DRBD by itself, or with the filesystem configured, it doesn't work.<br><br>part of the problem<br>it complains about an OCF_KEY_ip being missing,<br>if I set this to the virtual IP, it fails,<br>if I set it to something else, it claims the filesystem mount succeeded, but it hasn't actually done it.
<br><br>I don't want to use the XML or OCF or clustering features for now.<br><br>my haresources looks like<br><pre style="font-size: 8pt;">amd <a href=""></a> drbddisk::r0 Filesystem::/dev/drbd0::/mysql::ext3
<br><br>manually after booting the system, for DRBD alone I would run:<br><br>drbdsetup primary --do-what-I-say<br>mount /dev/drbd0 /mysql<br><br>and that works perfectly.<br><br>but heartbeat with our without the drbddisk or just with the filesystem, whatever combination doesn't work.
<br><br>the one time it looked like it got it right (but never mounted it), I checked the drbd status and it changed to<br>secondary/unknown<br><br>note DRBD is running across a secondary ethernet interface (cross-over cable) using a different set of IP addresses.
<br><br>The reasoning is this:<br><br>I want heartbeat to monitor the PUBLIC (real) interface to detect the system is down, not the cross-over cable.<br>using heartbeat to monitor the crossover cable doesn't make sense to me (the cable could be bad, and the real connection up)
<br>causing all sorts of issues.<br><br>i've tried reading the heartbeat/HA documentation on DRBD website and heartbeat/HA websites, and it just makes my head hurt.<br><br>I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Should DRBD not be started up by the system (boot)?
<br>should the mount be done beforehand (doesn't seem to work) ?<br>I'm missing something stupid again...<br><br>Dan.<br></pre><br>