Hi all,<br>I am studying how to build a cluster using REDHAT AS 3 (in my school). I decided to use the latest drbd source package I got from <a href="http://www.drbd.org">www.drbd.org</a>. I compiled it and it runned well except that when i launched the two nodes of the cluster, the two instances of drbd running on each of them couldn't connect one with the other.
<br>I runned <br>netstat -a |grep 7788<br clear="all">as 7788 is the port I used on the two nodes and a drbd process was listen on that port.<br>Now, I don't known what is the problem.<br>I did follow carefully the instructions from the
INSTALL.txt file and I did configure drbd well (I did the same configuration with two debian machines and I didn't get any problem, since debian comes with a precompiled drbd package).<br>Please, If someone has an idea, I would be really interested.
<br>Thanks in advance.<br>-- <br>ADAMOU SAIDOU Nacer<br>Software engineering student<br>Phone (237)7186204/(237)2210569