Dear interested reader,<br><br>I'm trying to use DRBD on *CompactFlash* media. This kind of media is extremely slow on write (~0,17 MB/s) and slow (~3.4 MB/s) on read - compared with harddisks. They are formatted with reiserfs - that could explain the extremely slow writing speed I got by using cp from ramdisk and calculating the rate. But anyhow CF is very slow compared with harddisks.
<br><br>I am using drbd 0.7.17 where I adjusted the size of the metadata to 2 MB according to my earlier post <a href="">
</a><br><br>When I start syncing my 128MB flash drives it needs *hours* to finish and not minutes as I expected.<br><br>I tried protocols A, B and C and I see no difference.<br><br>I tried to increase the buffers by doing
e.g.:<br>drbdsetup /dev/drbd/0 net <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> B -c 20 -e 16384 -b 16384<br>but I saw no difference. On all other settings I am using the standard values.
<br><br>The connection between the machines is only 10Mbit right now for
testing purposes but I think that should be enough since the amount of
data to be transfered is really small. <br>
The ping is below 0.4ms.<br><br>Has somebody any suggestions with what settings I could play around to increase the speed?<br><br>I know that DRBD wasn't designed for slow media but I would also try to improve the code - and for sure give my results back to the community - if somebody would point me to a bottleneck in the current algorithm!
<br><br>Warm regards, thank you and a nice weekend!<br>Martin<br>