[DRBD-user] linstor: move controller to another node

Roberto Resoli roberto at resolutions.it
Fri Aug 24 11:38:32 CEST 2018

Il 24/08/2018 10:58, Roland Kammerer ha scritto:
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 10:36:25AM +0200, Roberto Resoli wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Now that I migrated from drbdmanage to linstor, I am curious about how to
>> move the controller service from one node to another.
>> Is the following procedure correct for moving it from node A to B?
>> 1) Stop and disable controller service on node A
>> 2) Copy configuration (/etc/linstor) and db (/var/lib/linstor) from A to B
>> 3) Install and enable controller service on node B
> Yes. And in some minutes there will be a v2.9.0 announce that documents
> a much more elegant way to do it;-). 

I saw the announcement right after having sent the former message:-)

Very elegant indeed; separating data and controller planes starts to pay 
off ...

> Actually, to not do that at all
> and have the controller HA.

Ok, I'm not using HA at all at the moment.


> Regards, rck

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