[DRBD-user] split brain - why does it not work out?

Florian Haas florian.haas at linbit.com
Wed Oct 15 22:45:51 CEST 2008

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On 10/15/2008 07:29 PM, Alireza Nematollahi wrote:
> Split brain mainly happens because your primary node has gone down and the secondary node has been brought up as new "primary"... When the two "primaries" are up at the same time, split brain happens.
> To resolve split brain, I usually try the following:
> 1- Disconnect both resources on both nodes (i.e. drbdadm disconnect resource)
> 2- Mark both nodes as secondary

Not necessary; you need to do this only on one node (the one you
designate as your split brain victim).

> 3- on the node you want as your primary do: drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary resource

No, no, no, NO. You don't use this when resolving split brain.

> OR
> On the actual secondary do: drbadm -- --discard-my-data connect resource


> This should "most of the time" prevent split brains....

This does not prevent split brain. At all. This _recovers_ from split
brain. What you do to prevent split brain is to use either
resource-level or node level fencing (i.e. dopd or -- if you don't like
dopd -- STONITH).


: Florian G. Haas
: LINBIT Information Technologies GmbH
: Vivenotgasse 48, A-1120 Vienna, Austria

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