[DRBD-user] Resync

Guy wyldfury at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 13:45:30 CEST 2008

Note: "permalinks" may not be as permanent as we would like,
direct links of old sources may well be a few messages off.


I wanted to check exactly what drbd does when doing a resync. I'm
using heartbeat with drbd8 and under certain conditions I think I'd
lose data.

I've got two drbd partitions with one being primary on each server and
shared over NFS. If I lose the connection (crossover between the
nodes) that drbd uses the nodes just keep running as they are.
If node 1 loses connectivity to the LAN as well, it makes the primary
partition secondary and node 2 takes over as primary for both
partitions. But node 1 has changes that never reached node 2 before it
starts being changed. Once the drbd connection is restored, will the
changes on both nodes be synced or is the secondary overwritten by the
new primary?
Since there's the --overwrite-peer-data option I'm wondering whether a
normal sync goes both ways?

If it doesn't go both ways then I need to get heartbeat to do
outdating and suchlike which it doesn't currently do. Unless drbd can
do it itself, but I'm not sure it caters to doing so under the
conditions I've got.

Thanks for any help or advice.

Don't just do something...sit there!

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