[drbd-mc] Japanese message resource and the related patches

Takashi Takizawa taki at 3ware.co.jp
Fri Feb 4 06:56:25 CET 2011

Hi folks,

I created two patches and a Japanese message resource to show messages of  
drbd-mc in Japanese. Please try these.

- a patch to get your default locale

  A locale is set as 'Locale.Lang' and 'Locale.Country' in src/drbd/configs/AppDefaults.java.
  The value of Locale.Lang is 'en' and the value of Locale.Country is 'US'.
  These are built-in values. Therefore, we can not change a locale.
  If you apply this patch, you will get your default locale using 
  the function Locale.getDefault().

- a patch to move some messages to message resource file

  Some messages are not in the message resource file. Therefore, you can not   
  translate these messages into the other languages.
  If you apply this patch, it moves some messages into the message resource file.
  It makes be able to translate these messages into the other languages.

  However, some messages were still left outside the message resource file.
  In the future, it is necessary to move these messages left into the message resource file.

- a Japanese message resource

  If you copy this file into directory src/drbd/configs and build source files,
  in Japanese environment you are able to display menus and messages in Japanese.

Takashi Takizawa
ThirdWare Co., Ltd.

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