[DRBD-cvs] svn commit by simon - r2452 - trunk/testing/testsuite - The lost part of Simon's last big patch.

drbd-cvs at lists.linbit.com drbd-cvs at lists.linbit.com
Mon Sep 25 09:24:33 CEST 2006

Author: simon
Date: 2006-09-25 09:24:32 +0200 (Mon, 25 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 2452

The lost part of Simon's last big patch.

Added: trunk/testing/testsuite/testfaults.conf
--- trunk/testing/testsuite/testfaults.conf	2006-09-23 11:39:56 UTC (rev 2451)
+++ trunk/testing/testsuite/testfaults.conf	2006-09-25 07:24:32 UTC (rev 2452)
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# Configuration file of the testsuite.pl
+# Use to configure both nodes and to change default commands of the testsuite.
+# Important: after each argument put ; to finish the line otherwise it will not be set and can cause errors!
+# Configuration of one Node
+node node1 {
+  # Syntax: addr <ip>
+  # IP Address of the node that is visible to the internet. If this is left undefined
+  # the testsuite will not start.
+  #
+  # Example: addr;
+  #
+  addr;
+  # Syntax: port <p>
+  # The port the testsuite will try to connect to. If this is left undefined
+  # the testsuite will not start.
+  #
+  # Example: port 4000;
+  #
+  port  4000; 
+# Configuration of second Node
+node node2 {
+  # Syntax: addr <ip>
+  # IP Address of the node that is visible to the internet. If this is left undefined
+  # the testsuite will not start.
+  #
+  # Example: addr;
+  #
+  addr;
+  # Syntax: port <p>
+  # The port the testsuite will try to connect to. If this is left undefined
+  # the testsuite will not start.
+  #
+  # Example: port 4000;
+  #
+  port  4000;
+# Set of default parameters of the testsuite
+defaults {
+  # Syntax: timeout <n>
+  # Generall timeout limit of <n> seconds for the response of the executed command.
+  #
+  # If this is left undefined default is to wait 0 seconds = wait forever.
+  #
+  # Example: timeout 20;
+  #
+  timeout  10;
+  # Syntax: latency <l>
+  # 
+  # The maximum time/clock difference between the two agents. If it's above
+  # the given value, FIXME => sync
+  #
+  # If this is left undefined default latency is 0.5 seconds
+  #
+  # Example: latency 0.05;
+  #
+  latency  0.1;
+  # Syntax: connect_timeout <n>
+  # Timeout after trying to establish a connection after <n> seconds
+  #
+  # If this is left undefined default is to wait 3 seconds.
+  #
+  # Example: connect_timeout 1;
+  #
+  connect_timeout 1;
+  # Syntax: timeserver <ip/host>
+  # If nodes are out of sync, ntpdate <ip/host> will be sent to each node.
+  #
+  # If no timeserver is given, the testsuite will abort instead of trying
+  # to syncronize the agents.
+  #
+  timeserver;
+# Set of sequence commands to be executet on the nodes. See README for detailed
+# information about available commands.
+seq-commands {
+  # check if we are in a stable state
+  if ((get 'drbdsetup /dev/drbd0 state', on node1) =~ /Unknown/) {
+    VERBOSE ("trouble with drbd on agents");
+    die();
+  }
+  cmd '/sbin/drbdadm detach {resource}', on node1;
+  # simulate meta data read failures during attach
+  INFO "1. Simulate local meta data read failures during attach";
+  cmd set_fr, on node1;
+  cmd set_md_rd, on node1;
+  # attach/detach a few times (want at least one failure!
+  for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
+    cmd '/sbin/drbdadm attach {resource}', on node1;
+    sleep 2;
+    if ((get state_ds, on node1) =~ /Diskless/) {
+	VERBOSE ("goodness: meta data read fault fired");
+    }
+    else {
+	# might need to wait for resync here... disable
+	# faults whilst we wait
+	cmd clr_fr, on node1;
+	expected 'cs', state 'Connected', timeout 500;
+	expected 'ds', state 'UpToDate', timeout 500;
+	cmd '/sbin/drbdadm detach {resource}', on node1;
+	cmd set_fr, on node1;
+	cmd set_md_rd, on node1;
+    }
+    # everyone should be in connected state
+    expected 'cs', state 'Connected', timeout 15;
+  }
+  cmd clr_fr, on node1;
+  # simulate meta data write failures during attach
+  INFO "2. Simulate local meta data write failures during attach";
+  cmd set_fr, on node1;
+  cmd set_md_wr, on node1;
+  # attach/detach a few times (want at least one failure!
+  for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
+    cmd '/sbin/drbdadm attach {resource}', on node1;
+    sleep 2;
+    if ((get state_ds, on node1) =~ /Diskless/) {
+	VERBOSE ("goodness: meta data write fault fired");
+    }
+    else {
+	# might need to wait for resync here... disable
+	# faults whilst we wait
+	cmd clr_fr, on node1;
+	expected 'cs', state 'Connected', timeout 500;
+	expected 'ds', state 'UpToDate', timeout 500;
+	cmd '/sbin/drbdadm detach {resource}', on node1;
+	cmd set_fr, on node1;
+	cmd set_md_wr, on node1;
+    }
+  }
+  cmd clr_fr, on node1;
+  cmd '/sbin/drbdadm attach {resource}', on node1;
+  # everyone should be in connected cstate, uptodate dstate
+  expected 'cs', state 'Connected', timeout 15;
+  expected 'ds', state 'UpToDate', timeout 15;
+  # switch to primary
+  cmd '/sbin/drbdadm primary {resource}', on node1;
+  # Check node1 went primary...
+  expected 'st', state 'Primary', timeout 15, on node1;
+  # simulate meta data write failures on partner node
+  INFO "3. Simulate remote meta data write failures during attach";
+  cmd set_fr, on node2;
+  cmd set_md_rd, on node2;
+  cmd '/sbin/drbdadm detach {resource}', on node1;
+  # attach/detach a few times (want to see at least one failure!
+  for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
+    cmd '/sbin/drbdadm attach {resource}', on node1;
+    sleep 2;
+    if ((get state_ds, on node1) =~ /Diskless/) {
+	VERBOSE ("goodness: meta data write fault fired");
+    }
+    else {
+	# might need to wait for resync here... disable
+	# faults whilst we wait
+	cmd clr_fr, on node2;
+	expected 'cs', state 'Connected', timeout 500;
+	expected 'ds', state 'UpToDate', timeout 500;
+	cmd '/sbin/drbdadm detach {resource}', on node1;
+	cmd set_fr, on node2;
+	cmd set_md_rd, on node2;
+    }
+  }
+  cmd clr_fr, on node2;
+  # make sure partner is attached...
+  cmd '/sbin/drbdadm attach {resource}', on node2;
+  # everyone should be in connected cstate, uptodate dstate
+  expected 'cs', state 'Connected', timeout 500;
+  expected 'ds', state 'UpToDate', timeout 500;
+  # simulate read errors locally
+  INFO "4. Simulate local user data read failures";
+  cmd set_fr, on node1;
+  cmd set_dt_rd, on node1;
+  # mount file system a few times.
+  for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
+      cmd 'mount /dev/{device} {mountpoint}', on node1;
+      cmd 'umount /dev/{device}', on node1;
+      sleep 2;
+      # state should not change - i.e. no resync (YET! Should get resync of failed block
+      # eventually)
+      expected 'cs', state 'Connected', timeout 15;
+  }
+  cmd clr_fr, on node1;
+  # simulate write errors locally
+  INFO "5. Simulate local user data write failures";
+  cmd set_fr, on node1;
+  cmd set_dt_wr, on node1;
+  # mount file system and modify - check for errors!
+  for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
+      cmd 'mount /dev/{device} {mountpoint}', on node1;
+      # create some files - should get some errors...
+      cmd 'cp -f /boot/* {mountpoint}', on node1;
+      cmd 'umount /dev/{device}', on node1;
+      sleep 2;
+      # state should not change - i.e. no resync (YET!)
+      expected 'cs', state 'Connected', timeout 15;
+  }
+  cmd clr_fr, on node1;
+  # simulate read errors remotely
+  INFO "6. Simulate remote user data read failures";
+  cmd 'drbdadm detach {resource}', on node1;
+  cmd set_fr, on node2;
+  cmd set_dt_rd, on node2;
+  # mount file system - check for errors!
+  for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
+      cmd 'mount /dev/{device} {mountpoint}', on node1;
+      cmd 'umount /dev/{device}', on node1;
+      sleep 2;
+      # state should not change - i.e. no resync
+      expected 'cs', state 'Connected', timeout 15;
+  }
+  cmd clr_fr, on node2;
+  cmd 'drbdadm attach {resource}', on node1;
+  # wait for resync to complete
+  expected 'cs', state 'Connected', timeout 15;
+  expected 'ds', state 'UpToDate', timeout 15;
+  # simulate write errors remotely
+  INFO "6. Simulate remote user data write failures";
+  cmd set_fr, on node2;
+  cmd set_dt_wr, on node2;
+  for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) {
+      # mount file system - check for errors!
+      cmd 'mount /dev/{device} {mountpoint}', on node1;
+      # create some files - should get some errors...
+      cmd 'cp -f /boot/* {mountpoint}', on node1;
+      cmd 'umount /dev/{device}', on node1;
+      sleep 2;
+  }
+  cmd clr_fr, on node2;

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