[Csync2] Deprecated Check in configure script for gnutls?

Samba saasira at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 13:42:34 CET 2012


Presently, the latest source code from Git puts a dependency on gnutls>=2.4.

Since, centos-5 does not have a gnutls rpm above 1.4.*, hence I installed
compat-gnutls-2.8.5 rpms from art repository

I made simple checks to verify that gnutls is installed properly, like
running commands like:

 pkg-config  --modversion gnutls | awk -F. '{ printf
"0x%02X%02X%02X\n",$1,$2,$3 }'  ==> 0x020805
pkg-config --cflags --print-errors gnutls ==> -I/usr/gnutls2/include
pkg-config --libs --print-errors gnutls  ==> -L/usr/gnutls2/lib -lgnutls

But still, when I built the rpm and install it, it complains that the
binary is compiled with  out SSL support.

It looks like the configure script used in csync2 is still relying on
command which is now deprecated after gnutls-2.7.

I'm not sure why configure script of csync2 is not able to identify gnutls
when pkg-config clearly prints out the version number of gnutls.

Is there any workaround or some additional steps that I need to do to make
csync2 recognize the compat-gnutls?

Thanks and Regards,
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